08:00AM |
09:00AM |
Welcome to PyCon - Ernest W. Durbin III
09:30AM |
Keynote - Dan Callahan
10:10AM |
10:50AM |
Build Teams as an Engineer
Joyce Jang
Code Reviews Using Art Critique Principles
Stacy Morse
Coding through Adversity
Chris Schuhmacher
Thinking Outside the GIL with AsyncIO and Multiprocessing
John Reese
How we designed an inclusivity-first conference on a shoestring budget and short timeline
Christopher Neugebauer, Josh Simmons, Sam Kitajima-Kimbrel
Lista Hũ: Previniendo estafas y extorsiones con Python
Marcelo Elizeche Landó
11:30AM |
Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code
Jake VanderPlas
Augmenting Human Decision Making with Data Science
Kelsey Pedersen
Deconstructing the US Patent Database
Van Lindberg
Code like an accountant: Designing data systems for accuracy, resilience and auditability
Sophie Rapoport
Strategies to Edit Production Data
Julie Qiu
Software libre / Conocimiento LIBRE
Katia Lira
12:10PM |
import time_travel: A Primer on Timezones in Python
David Gouldin
Behavior-Driven Python
Andrew Knight
Demystifying the Patch Function
Lisa Roach
"WHAT IS THIS MESS?" - Writing tests for pre-existing code bases
Justin Crown
Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level
Hillel Wayne
Business Data Analysis, con pandas y numpy
Luis Carlos Mejia Garcia
12:40PM |
12:55PM |
01:40PM |
Software Library APIs: Lessons Learned from scikit-learn
Liz Sander
Win back lovely API: GraphQL in Python
Keith Yang
01:55PM |
Using Python to build an AI to play and win SNES StreetFighter II
Adam Fletcher, Jonathan Mortensen
Flourishing FLOSS: Making Your Project Successful
Anna Ossowski
Trust the data to speak for itself
Opetunde Adepoju
Descubriendo los misterios del universo con Python
Maria Camila Remolina-Gutiérrez
02:35PM |
Birding with Python and Machine Learning
Kirk Kaiser
Adapting from Spark to Dask: what to expect
Irina Truong
Beyond scraping: how to use machine learning when you're not sure where to start
Julie Lavoie
CuPy: A NumPy-compatible Library for GPU
Shohei Hido
Randomness in Python: Controlled Chaos in an Ordered Machine
Amanda Sopkin
Python Funcional Que Funciona
Nacho Tagtachian
03:15PM |
Taking Django Async
Andrew Godwin
Debugging PySpark -- Or trying to make sense of a JVM stack trace when you were minding your own bus
Holden Karau
The AST and Me
Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel
Analyzing Data: What pandas and SQL Taught Me About Taking an Average
Alex Petralia
Python for the quantum computing age
Ravi Chityala
Internet de las Cosas: proyectos divertidos y funcionales para principiantes.
Cristina Rodriguez
03:45PM |
04:00PM |
04:15PM |
Exploring Deep Learning Framework PyTorch
Stephanie Kim
Reactive Programming with RxPy
Valery Calderon
04:30PM |
Trio: Async concurrency for mere mortals
Nathaniel J. Smith
Listen, Attend, and Walk : Interpreting natural language navigational instructions
Padmaja Bhagwat
Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind
Jiaqi Liu
Python para modelos
Eva Bojorges
05:10PM |
Love your bugs
Allison Kaptur
Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest
Brian Okken, Paul Everitt
All in the timing: How side channel attacks work
Philip James, Asheesh Laroia
Bowerbirds of Technology: Architecture and Teams at Less-than-Google Scale
Sam Kitajima-Kimbrel
Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems
Nina Zakharenko
Cómo Python esta ayudando el Periodismo en Brasil
Álvaro Justen
05:40PM |
Lightning Talks
06:40PM |