<br> <blockquote class="callout" style="text-align: center; width: 33%; padding: 10px; margin:auto;"> <h3>PyCon 2018 Talks Schedule</h3> <h4>See a list of all talks <a href="/2018/schedule/talks/list">here</a></h4> </blockquote>

Friday May 11, 2018

  Grand Ballroom C Grand Ballroom A Grand Ballroom B Global Center Ballroom AB Room 26A/B/C Room 25C (Charlas)
08:00AM Breakfast
09:00AM Welcome to PyCon - Ernest W. Durbin III
09:30AM Keynote - Dan Callahan
10:10AM Break
10:50AM Build Teams as an Engineer Joyce Jang Code Reviews Using Art Critique Principles Stacy Morse Coding through Adversity Chris Schuhmacher Thinking Outside the GIL with AsyncIO and Multiprocessing John Reese How we designed an inclusivity-first conference on a shoestring budget and short timeline Christopher Neugebauer, Josh Simmons, Sam Kitajima-Kimbrel Lista Hũ: Previniendo estafas y extorsiones con Python Marcelo Elizeche Landó
11:30AM Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code Jake VanderPlas Augmenting Human Decision Making with Data Science Kelsey Pedersen Deconstructing the US Patent Database Van Lindberg Code like an accountant: Designing data systems for accuracy, resilience and auditability Sophie Rapoport Strategies to Edit Production Data Julie Qiu Software libre / Conocimiento LIBRE Katia Lira
12:10PM import time_travel: A Primer on Timezones in Python David Gouldin Behavior-Driven Python Andrew Knight Demystifying the Patch Function Lisa Roach "WHAT IS THIS MESS?" - Writing tests for pre-existing code bases Justin Crown Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level Hillel Wayne Business Data Analysis, con pandas y numpy Luis Carlos Mejia Garcia
12:40PM Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:55PM Lunch Lunch Lunch
01:40PM Software Library APIs: Lessons Learned from scikit-learn Liz Sander Win back lovely API: GraphQL in Python Keith Yang
01:55PM Using Python to build an AI to play and win SNES StreetFighter II Adam Fletcher, Jonathan Mortensen Flourishing FLOSS: Making Your Project Successful Anna Ossowski Trust the data to speak for itself Opetunde Adepoju Descubriendo los misterios del universo con Python Maria Camila Remolina-Gutiérrez
02:35PM Birding with Python and Machine Learning Kirk Kaiser Adapting from Spark to Dask: what to expect Irina Truong Beyond scraping: how to use machine learning when you're not sure where to start Julie Lavoie CuPy: A NumPy-compatible Library for GPU Shohei Hido Randomness in Python: Controlled Chaos in an Ordered Machine Amanda Sopkin Python Funcional Que Funciona Nacho Tagtachian
03:15PM Taking Django Async Andrew Godwin Debugging PySpark -- Or trying to make sense of a JVM stack trace when you were minding your own bus Holden Karau The AST and Me Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel Analyzing Data: What pandas and SQL Taught Me About Taking an Average Alex Petralia Python for the quantum computing age Ravi Chityala Internet de las Cosas: proyectos divertidos y funcionales para principiantes. Cristina Rodriguez
03:45PM Break Break Break
04:00PM Break Break Break
04:15PM Exploring Deep Learning Framework PyTorch Stephanie Kim Reactive Programming with RxPy Valery Calderon
04:30PM Trio: Async concurrency for mere mortals Nathaniel J. Smith Listen, Attend, and Walk : Interpreting natural language navigational instructions Padmaja Bhagwat Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind Jiaqi Liu Python para modelos Eva Bojorges
05:10PM Love your bugs Allison Kaptur Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest Brian Okken, Paul Everitt All in the timing: How side channel attacks work Philip James, Asheesh Laroia Bowerbirds of Technology: Architecture and Teams at Less-than-Google Scale Sam Kitajima-Kimbrel Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems Nina Zakharenko Cómo Python esta ayudando el Periodismo en Brasil Álvaro Justen
05:40PM Lightning Talks

Saturday May 12, 2018

  Grand Ballroom C Grand Ballroom A Grand Ballroom B Global Center Ballroom AB Room 26A/B/C
08:00AM Breakfast
08:30AM Lightning Talks
09:00AM Keynote - Ying Li
09:40AM Keynote - Qumisha Goss
10:20AM Break
10:50AM Solve Your Problem With Sloppy Python Larry Hastings Visualizing Algorithms with Python and Programmable LEDs Christopher Beacham / Lady Red Data Visualization in Mixed Reality with Python Anna Nicanorova Python Data Sonification for Science and Discovery Erin Braswell Democratizing Distributed Computing with Dask and JupyterHub Matthew Rocklin
11:30AM Oops! I Committed My Password To GitHub! Miguel Grinberg Practical Sphinx Carol Willing Counter, Gauge, Upper 90 - Oh my! Amit Saha How Netflix does failovers in 7 minutes flat Amjith Ramanujam Inside the Cheeseshop: How Python Packaging Works Dustin Ingram
12:10PM Reinventing the Parser Generator David Beazley Programming microbes using Python Janet Matsen Colossal Cave Adventure in Python... in the browser! Christopher Swenson One weird trick to becoming a better software developer Esther Nam HOWTO Write a Function Jack Diederich
12:40PM Lunch Lunch
12:55PM Lunch Lunch Lunch
01:40PM Graph Databases: Talking about your Data Relationships with Python Nicolle Cysneiros Bayesian Non-parametric Models for Data Science using PyMC3 Christopher Fonnesbeck
01:55PM Don't Look Back in Anger: Wildman Whitehouse and the Great Failure of 1858 Lilly Ryan Fighting Gerrymandering with PyMC3 Colin Carroll, Karin C. Knudson By the Numbers: Python Community Trends in 2017/2018 Dmitry Filippov, Ewa Jodlowska
02:35PM Building a cross-platform native app with BeeWare Russell Keith-Magee Python across the USA: This is the Bus. Justin Myles Holmes You're an expert. Here's how to teach like one. Shannon Turner Pipenv: The Future of Python Dependency Management Kenneth Reitz Easy 2D Game Creation With Arcade Paul Vincent Craven
03:15PM Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators Raymond Hettinger Controlling apples with snakes: Automating mobile apps with Appium Nir Arad Python 3: ten years later Victor Stinner Surviving (and thriving!) when you are overloaded Scott Triglia The human nature of failure & resiliency VM (Vicky) Brasseur
03:45PM Break Break
04:00PM Break Break Break
04:15PM How to Write Deployment-friendly Applications Hynek Schlawack What is a Python Core Developer? Mariatta Wijaya
04:30PM Python 2 to 3: How to Upgrade and What Features to Start Using Trey Hunner Fighting the Good Fight: Python 3 in your organization Jason Fried Python Performance Investigation by Example Matt Davis
05:10PM Get your resources faster, with importlib.resources Barry Warsaw The Journey Over the Intermediate Gap Sara Packman A Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode James Bennett Python, Locales and Writing Systems Rae Knowler Secrets of a WSGI master. Graham Dumpleton
05:40PM Lightning Talks
06:30PM PyLadies Charity Auction

Sunday May 13, 2018

  Grand Ballroom C Grand Ballroom A Grand Ballroom B Global Center Ballroom AB Room 26A/B/C
08:00AM Breakfast
08:30AM Lightning Talks
09:20AM Keynote - Brett Cannon
10:00AM Poster Session / Job Fair / Lunch (Expo Hall)
01:10PM Systemd: why you should care as a Python developer Alvaro Leiva Geisse There and Back Again: Disable and re-enable garbage collector at Instagram Zekun Li Efficient shared memory data structures Claudio Freire Type-checked Python in the real world Carl Meyer Effortless Logging: A deep dive into the logging module Mario Corchero
01:50PM Learning From Failure: Post Mortems Alex Gaynor The Hare Wins the Race: Getting the most out of RabbitMQ in distributed applications Steven Sklar Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox Greg Price Pumping up Python modules using Rust vigneshwer dhinakaran A practical guide to Singular Value Decomposition in Python Daniel Pyrathon
02:30PM Big-O: How Code Slows as Data Grows Ned Batchelder Automating Code Quality Kyle Knapp User focused API Design Renato Oliveira How We Do Identity Wrong Amber Brown ("HawkOwl") Types, Deeper Static Analysis, and you Pieter Hooimeijer
03:10PM Python Software Foundation Community Report and Community Service Awards
03:30PM Keynote - Catherine Devlin
04:10PM Final Remarks and Conference Close