PyCon 2011: Outside the Talks: Poster Session
9th March 2011 by
Back for a second year is the Poster Session, a more intimate approach to presentation in the form of a poster on the wall. Attendees are welcome to the session to peruse around, check out what people are doing, view demos, trade experiences, and talk one-on-one with the presenter.
PyCon Program Guide for your iOS and Android Devices
7th March 2011 by
We are proud to announce that the PyCon Program Guide is available on your Apple iOS and Android devices, via the Conventionist app from Proxima Labs (Conventionist). This app is free of charge, commercial free, and once the program is downloaded, will not require your data plan or wireless.
PyCon 2011: Live on Startup Row
7th March 2011 by
We had a torrent of interest when we announced Startup Row for PyCon 2011. At that time, we only had six or seven companies to start. Well, due to the immense interest, we are happy to announce the final slate of entrants for Startup Row at PyCon 2011 - fifteen different startups that are making it happen with Python.
Call for Session Volunteers
4th March 2011 by
We’re a week away from PyCon and need a little help from you, the community. The conference doesn’t run itself, so we need a team of volunteers to act as a support staff to keep each session on track. The duties are simple yet vital to the success of the conference. You’ll help keep an eye on the clock, make sure everyone is in the right place, give the audience a voice, and get a front seat.
Welcome to QNX, and thanks to all our sponsor
3rd March 2011 by
You might not have noticed a subtle, yet significant change on the front page of the PyCon 2011 site - but earlier this week, we were honored to add a new Diamond Level sponsor - QNX Software Systems.
Last Chance for Regular Registration
2nd March 2011 by
Today, March 2, is the last day for regular registration and booking of any kind of hotel room through the PyCon registration bureau. In order to get the best rate, register for PyCon and book your room now!
PyCon 2011: Interview with Carl Karsten
2nd March 2011 by
Another Chicagoan making the drive to Atlanta is the man behind the PyCon videos, Carl Karsten of Next Day Video. After a discovery in 2008 at a Debian conference, he found a more productive video process that he took to every Chicago-area user group that would let him try it out, which got him to where he is with today’s PyCon video team.
The 10 Python Conferences Happening at PyCon 2011 (part 4)
1st March 2011 by
This is the fourth in a series of posts about the schedule for PyCon 2011. In designing this schedule, we found that there are actually 10 different conferences happening in parallel at PyCon. See the first post for an introduction to the series and a description of the Django virtual track. The second post focused on the web working virtual track. The third post focused on the Python and NoSQL virtual track. This post focuses on the fourth virtual track, Networking and Concurrency.
The 10 Python Conferences Happening at PyCon 2011 (part 3)
1st March 2011 by
This is the third in a series of posts about the schedule for PyCon 2011. In designing this schedule, we found that there are actually 10 different conferences happening in parallel at PyCon. The first post introduced the series and discussed the Django virtual track. The second post focused on the web working virtual track. This post focuses on the third virtual track, Python and NoSQL.
The 10 Python Conferences Happening at PyCon 2011 (part 2)
28th February 2011 by
This is the second in a series of posts about the schedule for PyCon 2011. In designing this schedule, we found that there are actually 10 different conferences happening in parallel at PyCon. The first post introduced the series and discussed the Django virtual track. This post focuses on the second virtual track, web working.
The 10 Python Conferences Happening at PyCon 2011 (part 1)
28th February 2011 by
After weeks of work, we have finalized a schedule for PyCon 2011. In designing this schedule, we found that there are actually 10 different conferences happening in parallel at PyCon. We are going to tell you about them all.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Michael Foord
25th February 2011 by
PyCon is only a few weeks away, so I decided to interview one of the speakers for this year’s convention. In this discourse you can learn about Michael Foord’s talk about mock and what he likes about PyCon in general. Michael Foord is probably best known for his work in the IronPython community and for writing a book on IronPython. He is also the author of the mock library.
PyCon 2011 Interview: Daniel Greenfeld
24th February 2011 by
The master of one-handed cartwheels takes time to answer a few questions about his talks at PyCon this year.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Geremy Condra
19th February 2011 by
Putting together two talks for a conference like PyCon is certainly no easy task, nor is it easy to pile on a lightning talk and the organization of a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session or two. That’s Geremy Condra’s plan for March 11 through March 13 at PyCon.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Zed Shaw
18th February 2011 by
Speaking and teaching for the first time at PyCon is Learn Python The Hard Way author and software developer Zed Shaw. As the author of numerous open source projects involving a number of languages such as Lamson (Python), Mongrel (Ruby), Mongrel2 (C), and Tir (Lua), I asked what brought him to his involvement with Python.
PyCon 2014-2015 site selection meeting at PyCon 2011
17th February 2011 by
The time for location selection for PyCon 2014 and 2015 has begun!
PyCon 2011: Behind the Scenes
16th February 2011 by
People are asking about the cap for PyCon this year. The answer is that we have approximately three hundred and fifty spaces left. So no, we are not sold out at PyCon yet - but things are moving so fast (and we are receiving so many questions) that we thought it was worth opening our kimono a little bit and letting you see into the underbelly of planning for an event like PyCon.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Dave Beazley
15th February 2011 by
It’s not the first time Dave Beazley made the drive from Chicago to PyCon, but it’s the first time he buckled up a piece of history to join him on the trip. After giving two tutorials on Python 3, Dave brings out his 1979 OSI Superboard II for an old school meets new school mashup which is sure to raise a few eyebrows and bring back memories for some.
PyCon 2011: Online Hotel reservations for PyCon end Friday 2/18/11!
14th February 2011 by
Online hotel reservation and booking will be disabled as of Friday 2/18/11.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Wesley Chun
14th February 2011 by
As PyCon approaches, the blogger community was invited to interview the speakers that are coming to the event. I chose Wesley Chun, writer of “Core Python Programming” and co-author of “Python Web Development with Django”. In this interview, I ask Wesley about his talk, Running Django Apps on Google App Engine and about PyCon in general. Let’s see what he has to say:
PyCon 2011: Interview with Lennart Regebro - “Porting to Python 3”
13th February 2011 by
The Python world has come a long way since December 2008 when 3.0 was first released. Books have been released, blogs have been written, and most importantly, projects have been ported. Recently, NumPy and SciPy checked in their porting work. We’ve heard rumblings of Django on 3.x, possibly as early as this summer. Python 3.1.3 was released in the fall and 3.2 final is around a week away, and with 2.7 being the end of the 2.x line, all core hands are on Python 3.
PyCon 2011: Want to discuss things? Want to help promote - we'd love to have you around!
12th February 2011 by
We're only a month away from PyCon 2011! Help get the word out, and check out the new communication tools we have.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Tarek Ziadé
12th February 2011 by
Coming over from France for his 4th PyCon is packaging and distribution guru, Tarek Ziadé. When he’s not spending his time on Mozilla work, he’s leading the Distutils2 project, maintains the shutil and sysconfig standard libraries, and organizes PyCon France. On top of all of that, he found time to put together two talks: an extreme talk on packaging, and one on the Firefox Sync project.
PyCon 2011: Interview with Armin Ronacher - “Opening the Flask”
10th February 2011 by
It’s not often that “April Fools” jokes go past the joke stage, especially in the Python community. PEP-3117 didn’t make it, and Uncle Barry’s PEP-401 takeover hasn’t yet occurred. However, we’re still seeing the work of an April 1, 2010 joke in the form of Flask, Armin Ronacher’s micro-framework.
PyCon 2011 - Announcing "Startup Stories"
7th February 2011 by
Today, we're excited to share even more awesome plenary talks which will be happening at PyCon 2011...
PyCon 2011: Announcing "A Fireside Chat with Guido van Rossum"
2nd February 2011 by
An informal fireside chat with the BDFL? Oh dear readers - it doesn't get much better than this!
Poster Sessions Announced
29th January 2011 by
A few days ago I promised that the poster session at this year's PyCon would be amazing. Now I'm in a position to back that claim up...
So you want to, or know someone who would like to be a PyCon sponsor?
27th January 2011 by
PyCon 2011 is breaking records already - but we're still on the lookout for more excellent sponsors to join our already impressive list of sponsors - if you are part of a business, and you want to reach out to over a thousand Python enthusiasts - PyCon is the place to do so.
Early bird may be over - but registration is still going strong!
27th January 2011 by
PyCon early bird rates may be gone - but registration continues to be open (we have not hit our max attendance, yet) and hotel registration, tutorial registration, etc continues to be open. We are also signing up even more sponsors and affiliates!
PyCon 2011 Early Bird Registration Ends Tomorrow!
24th January 2011 by
Tomorrow marks the end of Early Bird registration for PyCon 2011.
Why should you come to PyCon: Round 2!
24th January 2011 by
We're getting great responses from our call for people to talk about what they can't wait to see at PyCon 2011...
Why should you come to PyCon?
21st January 2011 by
Wonderful posts from Brett Cannon and Daniel Greenfeld...
Announcing Startup Row at PyCon 2011
19th January 2011 by
For the first time this year, we are proud to announce Startup Row in association with PyCon 2011.
PyCon Early Bird prices Extended until January 25th
17th January 2011 by
Early bird registration and tutorial pricing on extended until January 25th.
Early Bird Registration Ends Monday, Jan 17th - 3 days away!
14th January 2011 by
The early bird registration rates expire in only 3 days!
Poster Session Proposal Deadline Nears
13th January 2011 by
Do you want to share your latest Python coding experiments? Or build interest in a budding project?
Do you want to have your work exposed to over a 1000 Pythonistas? And be able to interact with the most interested ones face-to-face?
Then submit a poster proposal!
Specific Tutorial Registration Available
11th January 2011 by
For immediate release
Registration for Specific Tutorials Now Available
DATELINE: The Internet.
PyCon 2011 - Full talk and tutorial list now available!
7th January 2011 by
I'm very pleased to announce, on behalf of the PyCon 2011 Program committee, and entire PyCon 2011 volunteer staff, that the full list of PyCon 2011 talks is now public, and available!
Tutorials Announced for PyCon 2011
5th January 2011 by
We are proud to announce the accepted tutorials for PyCon 2011!
Choosing the tutorials this year was especially difficult, as we needed to cut the number of proposals by half to fit into our limited space. The quality of the proposals (and the proposed presenters) was outstanding, and there was a lot of heartburn that resulted from the difficult decisions we had to make to come to our list of tutorials for PyCon 2011.
This year, however, we were helped by looking at the results of a poll we put out in mid December asking about the various topics we had available. While we would never claim that the poll was scientifically valid or completely representative of the community, we did find the results, coupled with experience with previous years very helpful in deciding which topics we would feature in the PyCon 2011 tutorials.
Wednesday AM (7)
- Python 101
- Pinax Solutions
- Web2py Secrets
- Scientific Python Tools not only for Scientists and Engineers
- Distributed and Cloud computing with Python
- Building your own tile server using OpenStreetMap
- Advanced Python I
Wednesday PM (7)
- Google App Engine workshop
- Python For Total Beginners Using "Learn Python The Hard Way"
- Mining and Visualizing Data from the Social Web with Python
- Advanced Python II
- Packet Crafting with Python
- Packaging, Documenting, and Distributing your Python Codebase
- Geospatial Computation and Visualization Cooperative Lab
Thursday AM (7)
- Hands on Beginning Python
- Mastering Python 3 I/O
- Creating GUI Applications in Python using Qt I
- Python/Django deployment workshop
- Applied Machine Learning in Python with scikit-learn
- Doing Data Structures in Python
- (Re-)Introduction to C for Pythonistas
Thursday PM (7)
- Hands on Intermediate Python
- Cooking with Python 3
- Creating GUI Applications in Python using Qt II
- Faster Python Programs through Optimization
- Writing Python extensions in C
- Deploying web applications to the cloud
- Documenting Your Project With Sphinx
Congratulations to these tutorial presenters!
Based on the feedback we described, we grouped these into a number of themes, as shown below.
Help influence which tutorials are presented at PyCon 2011
15th December 2010 by
We are trying something new this year -- getting some pre-feedback to help guide our tutorial selection process. We have a poll up at where you can vote for the tutorials that you think we should offer.
PyCon 2011 Registration and Financial aid open and available!
13th December 2010 by
PyCon 2011 Registration and financial aid are open and ready for business!
Registration for PyCon now open!
1st December 2010 by
Registration for PyCon 2011 is now open! But you better hurry - due to limitations with space available in our venue, we have to cap this year's registration at 1500 people.
PyCon 2011: Record Breaking Talk and Tutorial Submissions.
12th November 2010 by
I'm very pleased to announce that the PyCon 2011 Call for Proposals for both the main conference talks, and tutorials is closed. Actually, it technically closed November 1st - but we've got great news.
Call for Proposals Closes Tomorrow!
31st October 2010 by
The PyCon 2011 Call for Proposals end tomorrow.
PyCon 2011 Reminder: Call for Proposals, Posters and Tutorials
25th October 2010 by
Well, it's October 25th! The leaves have turned and the deadline for submitting main-conference talk proposals expires in 7 days (November 1st, 2010)!
PyCon 2011 Call for Posters
10th October 2010 by
The poster session created a great buzz at PyCon 2010 and it's back for 2011! Posters are a great way to share your project with everyone at PyCon, but in a more interactive and one-on-one style. Poster proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until the limit of 35 is reached, so consider offering a poster!
PyCon 2011 Call For Tutorials
4th October 2010 by
The call for tutorial proposals is open until November 1st and we want to encourage you to submit a class idea! Teachers are paid for their efforts and it's a great opportunity for you to teach to a room full of people who have paid to hear what you have to say!
First PyCon Keynote Speaker Announced - Hilary Mason
2nd October 2010 by
The first keynote speaker for PyCon has been announced!
PyCon 2011 Call for Proposals
28th September 2010 by
PyCon 2011 will be held March 9th through the 17th, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Home of some of the best southern food you can possibly find on Earth!) The PyCon conference days will be March 11-13, preceded by two tutorial days (March 9-10), and followed by four days of development sprints (March 14-17).