Registration is Closed, and the conference has completed. Thank you everyone for a fantastic PyCon!
Questions about registration? See the rate questions page for more information.
People requesting Financial Aid assistance should wait to register until they've heard back on their financial aid application status.
If you want to share a room with other attendees, see the Room Sharing page.
For directions to the hotel and information about getting around Atlanta, see the venue page.
Registration Rates
There are 3 basic PyCon rates, depending on your registration type, as well as a flat fee for tutorials. In all cases register as early as you can for the best possible rate! Please see this page for explanations of each registration type.
Regular Rates
Available from January 26 to March 1
Conference Registration | Rate |
Corporate | $600 |
Individual | $350 |
Student | $225 |
Tutorial Registration | Rate |
Tutorials | $150 each |
On-Site Rates
Available from March 2 to conference close
Conference Registration | Rate |
Corporate | $750 |
Individual | $400 |
Student | $250 |
Tutorial Registration | Rate |
Tutorials | $200 each |
Tutorial Rates
Tutorial registration costs are stated above and do not include admission to the conference sessions. If you are not attending the conference, but want to register for a tutorial, simply pay the Tutorial Rate (no additional fees are involved).
Refund Policy
Check here for the 2011 Refund Policy.