Scientific Computing BOF
Anyone who wants to talk about scientific computing. Please add your name below so we have some idea how many people are interested.
- Craig Finch
- Miguel de Val-Borro
- Mike Müller
- Yung-Yu Chen
- William Scullin
- Jeff Daily
- Ian Johnson
- Gökhan Sever
Please suggest topics here. I am volunteering to moderate, but I don't have any specific agenda in mind. Some ideas to get us started:
- Parallel computing with MPI
- Parallel computing with Global Arrays
- Scientific data analysis
- Scientific visualization
- Status of Sage
- Mixed-language programming (f2py, Weave, Boost, Cython, etc)
- Talk about the upcoming SciPy conference
Point of interest: Peter Wang is starting a session on visualization. I plan to attend. See the Open Spaces schedule board for more info.
Saturday, 3-4PM I plan to attend the Enthought reception on Friday at 6:30PM, so please come by and introduce yourself.
Does anyone want to go out for dinner after the Enthought deal on Friday night?
Hanover A