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PyCon 2011 Atlanta

March 9th–17th

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Extreme PyCon Talks

"Extreme PyCon talks" is a new concept for the conference. For the past few years we've been trying to balance all of the talks in the program between "introduction", "intermediate" and "advanced" without necessarily looking at the efficiency of the talks themselves. We feel we've had a pretty good balance, but there's something missing - and the user feedback supports this.

Most talks spend a fair amount of time in the first 15-20 minutes going over introduction material, what something is, who they are, etc, etc. There's a lot of repeated information, and a lot of - according to conference goers - wasted time.

Hence the Extreme Track.

The "Extreme Talks" will be a series of talks comprising one of the five talk tracks, and a mixture of 30 and 45 minute talks. These talks have very specific requirements:

  • It must be technical in nature, "state of" and other meta talks will not be on this track.
  • You can spend a maximum of 5 minutes at the start of the talk "setting the stage".
  • Talks should focus on a single subject, e.g. "threads" or "twisted".
  • You should avoid introduction material - assume that if you're talking about Django, they know what MVC and web frameworks are.
  • The deeper, the better. If you have examples of previous deep-dive technical talks you have done in the past, please include that information.

Please Note: Even if your talk is not accepted for an "Extreme" talk, you may be accepted into the regular conference talk.

Contact Information

For more information regarding these talks, please contact the pycon-pc mailing list (, Titus Brown ( or Jesse Noller (

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