Talk submission instructions
Please read these notes and instructions carefully. There are example proposals available, you can also see the help for speakers page. Create a speaker profile and submit your talk proposal here.
If you have any questions, please see the Proposal Submission FAQ. If that doesn't answer your questions, contact the PyCon Program Committee at
Important Dates
- November 1st, 2010: Talk proposals due.
- December 15th, 2010: Acceptance emails sent.
- January 19th, 2010: Early bird registration closes.
- March 9-10th, 2011: Tutorial days at PyCon.
- March 11-13th, 2011: PyCon main conference.
- March 14-17th, 2011: PyCon sprints days.
No Automatic Speaker Registration Or Payment
PyCon is a volunteer-run, "everybody pays" community conference. We keep the costs low to make PyCon accessible to the greatest range of community members possible. This means that PyCon cannot offer payment or free registration to conference speakers. Conference registration, accommodations, and transportation are the responsibility of the speakers.
However, financial aid will be available, and speakers who pay their own way are encouraged to apply. Giving a talk is a great rationale when requesting aid. If you require financial aid in order to attend PyCon, please note it in your proposal and be sure to apply.
Permission to Record & Release Presentations
Part of the motivation for PyCon is to help with Python education and advocacy around the world, not just in the United States, and not just at PyCon. Accordingly, we intend to record all PyCon presentations and release the recordings on the web. By submitting your talk proposal, you agree to give permission to the Python Software Foundation to record, edit, and release audio and/or video of your presentation.
To cut down on administration, no exceptions will be made. If you don't want to give the PSF permission to record your presentation and release the recording, do not submit a proposal.
For details, see the Recording Release Agreement.
PyCon Topics
Suitable topics for PyCon presentations include, but are not limited to:
- Core Python, including Python 3
- Other implementations: IronPython, Jython, PyPy, and Stackless.
- Python libraries and extensions
- Business applications
- Concurrency
- Databases
- Documentation
- Education
- Embedding and extending Python
- Game programming
- GUI programming
- Network programming
- Open source Python projects
- Packaging issues
- Programming tools
- Project best practices
- Science and math
- Social issues
- System administration with Python
- Testing
- Web programming (Django, Pylons, Zope, TurboGears, WSGI...)
Talk Format
The preferred length for talks is 30 minutes. You can request a 45-minute slot, but proposals requiring 45 minutes will be reviewed more stringently. 45-minute slots are, as a rule of thumb, reserved for how-to talks rather than talks about things you made, saw, or did.
Open Space rooms will also be available for follow-up sessions.
Session lengths include time for audience questions. You should budget at least five minutes for questions; for example, a 30-minute talk will be 25 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions.
Panel discussions are 45 minutes long.
The Help For Speakers page has suggestions and advice for speakers.
Proposal Submission Mechanics
Starting on September 22nd, 2010, use the PyCon Online Proposal Submission system to send us your proposals. You must create an account on the website (and be logged in) in order to submit a proposal. In your profile, be sure to include a one paragraph biography, written in the third person ("Presenter Name is..."); include where you live, your job, your projects, books you've written, volunteer activities, etc. We use this for the conference guide, and other promotional materials.
The primary author should submit the proposal, after which additional authors can be added (they must have accounts too).
The proposal submission system will walk you through all required fields. Please refer to the example proposals to get a better idea of what a complete proposal should look like.
Companion Papers
If your proposal is accepted, you are free to include a companion paper along with your presentation, to be published on the PyCon web site. If you're including a paper, you must do so by the paper submission deadline: November 1, 2010. This submission is to be your full paper, not a draft. It should contain the usual aspects of an academic paper such as an abstract, introduction, body and conclusion. Please ensure that the submission has had its grammar and spelling corrected and that code snippets work.
Your paper allows attendees who attended your talk a chance to refresh their memories about your presentation, and gives attendees who missed your talk a chance to learn from you anyway. Make sure your paper includes -- at the very least -- a brief introduction to your subject material and a list of further resources.
Appropriate file formats include reST, HTML, and PDF. We encourage authors to place their papers under a Creative Commons license, note that any license you choose must allow the Python Software Foundation/PyCon to redistribute the material. Please visit the Creative Commons "Choose a License" page to select a license that meets your requirements.
Other Presentation Opportunities
If you don't want to make a formal presentation, you're still more than welcome to bring your new project or idea to PyCon!
There will be several sessions of Lightning Talks, which are 5-minute mini-talks scheduled right at the conference. There will also be several Open Space rooms for informal and spur-of-the-moment presentations. Open Space slots are allocated during PyCon on a first-come first-served basis. These slots can be used for presentations, round table discussions, hands-on tutorials, follow-up discussions after scheduled talks, or anything else you wish to present.
We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!