Sprint Projects
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Any Project
Don't know what project you want to sprint on yet? Sign up here!
Leader: Noah Kantrowitz (noah@coderanger.net)
- Noah Kantrowitz
- Vasja Volin (vasja at superprofundo dot com)
- Daniel Gordon
- Thomas Ballinger
- Tom Brander
- Jay Kelkar
- Jairo Lopez
- Guilherme Salgado (@gsalgado)
- Jason Kirtland
- Andrei Mirestean(@andrei1089)
- Craig Dennis (@7footmoustache)
- Dan Colish (@dcolish)
Allura (SourceForge.net platform)
Allura is the open-source forge platform underlying the new SourceForge.net.
URL: Allura Project
Leader: Rick Copeland (rick@geek.net)
- Rick Copeland
- Dave Brondsema
Buildbot is an open-source distributed build and test framework. The introductory session will double as a "Buildbot Summit" for users and developers alike, where we will talk about the current and future states of Buildbot. The sprint itself will focus on increasing test coverage, fixing and closing 0.8.4 bugs and hopefully releasing 0.8.4. A few developers will be working on their own projects, as well, and any help will be appreciated!
URL: buildbot.net - Sprint page at http://trac.buildbot.net/wiki/BuildbotSprint2011
Leader: Dustin J. Mitchell (dustin@v.igoro.us)
- Dustin J. Mitchell
- If you know a lot about JavaScript, let's build some client-side smarts into the web interface
- If you want some practice with Twisted and Deferreds, Buildbot uses them heavily - stop by
- If you know a thing or two about Python on Windows, you can teach Buildbot to do a better job there
- If you want practice writing unit tests, Buildbot's coverage is low so there are lots of opportunities
- If you have a Buildbot project you are working on, let's hack on that!
- If you have a way with words, the documentation is long, but lacks linguistic finesse in places. Maybe you can help fix that!
- If you know about database portability and/or SQLAlchemy, you can probably help identify and fix some serious problems in Buildbot before we get stuck with them.
- If you know more than the average bear about Unicode, Buildbot has some interesting encoding problems that need some creativity and wisdom applied.
Leader: Brett Cannon (brett@python.org)
The focus of this sprint will be to try to raise CPython's test coverage. It will also test (if available) the new Mercurial repository along with Python-Dev In a Box.
- Brett Cannon
- Brian Curtin
- Jack Diederich
- R. David Murray
- Nick Coghlan
- Martin v. Löwis
- Scott Wilson
- Evan Dandrea (@evan_d)
- Arkady Koplyarov
Distro Topics
Leader: TBD (perhaps Barry, Matthias, Tokio, Tarek?)
Working on issues related to operating system distributions, such as (but hopefully not limited to) Linux distributions such as Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu. Possible questions include:
- What do we want to work on for Python 3.3 that will make distros lives easier?
- How can we accelerate the migration to Python 3 so that our distros can ship them as the "default" Python version?
- (your question here)
- Barry Warsaw
Leader: Tarek
Push Distutils2 into Python 3.3 trunk.
- Tarek
- Kelsey Hightower
- Elson Rodriguez
- Arc Riley
- Michael Mulich
- Walker Hale
- Jason Coombs
Leader: Alex Gaynor
URL: http://djangoproject.com/
- Alex Gaynor
- Jannis Leidel
- David Gouldin
- Jeremy Dunck
- Chris Adams
- Andrew Godwin
- Honza Král
- Michael Trier (@mtrier)
- Denise Govindarajan
- Brodie Rao (@brodie)
- Jim Phares
- Shimon Rura
- Szilveszter Farkas (@szilveszter)
- Adolfo Fitoria(@fitoria)
- Evgeny Fadeev (@askbot7)
- John Paulett (@johnpaulett)
- Bruno Renié (@brutasse)
- Ralph Lepore
- Jonathan Calazan
- Zachary Train
Django Packages / Python Packages
Leaders: Audrey Roy & Daniel Greenfeld
URL: http://djangopackages.com
- Bug fixes
- Enhancements
- launching Python Packages
- Aaron Kavlie
- Adam Saegebarth
- Alex Robbins
- Andrii Kurinny
- Audrey Roy
- Brian Ball
- Bryan Weingarten
- Chris Adams
- Daniel Greenfeld
- Eric Spunagle
- Flaviu Simihaian
- Gisle Aas (Repo Man)
- Jacob Burch
- James Pacileo
- Jeff Schenck
- Jim Allman
- John M. Camara
- Jonas Obrist
- jrothenbuhler
- Nate Aune
- Nolan Brubaker
- Preston Holmes
- Stuart Powers
- Szilveszter Farkas (Repo Man)
- Tom Brander
- Vasja Volin
Leader: Jeff Forcier (@bitprophet ; jeff@bitprophet.org)
URL: http://docs.fabfile.org/1.0a/development.html
- Testing/bugfixing the (should be out by PyCon) 1.0 release
- Merging/testing/documenting new features for the 1.1 release
- Fleshing out the test suite
- Jeff Forcier
- Tomaz Muraus
Leader: Armin Ronacher
Room: Hanover E
URL: mitsuhiko/flask/wiki
- Refactoring modules
- Reviewing and improving extensions and documentation
- Flask-Principal
- Armin Ronacher
- Ron DuPlain
- Matt Dawson
- Michael Prichard
- Aaron Kavlie
- Sam Anderson
- Dan Callahan
Leader: Benoît Chesneau (@benoitc , benoitc@gmail.com)
URL: http://gunicorn-pycon2011.couch.it/
- Raise unitests level
- Pep 3333 support
- Python 3 support
- gunicorn-recipe deployement website
- Benoît Chesneau
- Add your name here!
Leader: Phil Jenvey (pjenvey@underboss.org)
URL: http://jython.org
- Jython 2.6
- Performance
- Maybe we'll take another whack at Twisted support
- Phil Jenvey
- Oti Humbel
- Yuji Yamano
- Josh Juneau (Remote)
- Frank Wierzbicki (Remote)
Leader: Tomaz Muraus (tomaz@tomaz.me)
URL: http://incubator.apache.org/libcloud/devinfo.html
- Finishing off the Storage support
- Refactoring existing modules
- Porting it to Python 3K
- Documentation enhancements
- Improving the website (Currently, it's just a bunch of static HTML files which means it's hard to maintain it. We should port it to some kind of Python/Django based CMS).
- Tomaz Muraus
- Steve Gremban
- Add your name here!
Leader: Asheesh Laroia (asheesh at asheesh.org)
About OpenHatch
OpenHatch is an open source community aiming to help newcomers find their way into free software projects. We work toward this goal through this website and in-person outreach events.
- If you want to do Django coding, we have a real web app that you can work on. We can mentor you in performance work like https://openhatch.org/bugs/issue310.
- If you like network programming, we would love help migrating some web scraping code to be asynchronous.
- If you want to do Javascript, I can mentor you with improving the http://openhatch.org/people/ map.
- If you want to learn software testing, we have a simple ticket that needs a short test written, and then a short implementation: https://openhatch.org/bugs/issue324
- If you want to do web design, we would love to hear feedback on changes to the website (and get them landed).
- If you like teaching, you can help create more interactive training missions (like http://openhatch.org/missions/.
- Asheesh Laroia
- Joel Rivera (@cyraxjoe)
- Add your name here!
Marrow / TurboMail / WebCore
Leader: Alice Bevan-McGregor (@GothAlice, alice+sprint@gothcandy.com)
URLs: Marrow, TurboMail, WebCore
- Working towards the next major version of TurboMail, now named Courriel.
- Code, documentation, pluggable add-ons for Courriel.
- End-goal of creating something worthy of inclusion in stdlib.
- PEP 444 -- have a voice on alternate-reality WSGI and a contender for WSGI 2.
- Work on the Marrow meta-framework of Python 2.6+ and 3.1+ tools.
- Let's continue to re-invent the disdykistriacontahedron!
- If progress on Marrow is swift, begin porting WebCore to use the Marrow suite and build it to support Python 3.
- Anything you'd like to discuss or hack on
Join us on #webcore IRC channel on Freenode. Those not able to attend physically are welcome to sprint remotely!
Leaders: Greg Ward, Brodie Rao (@brodie, brodie@bitheap.org)
URL: mercurial.selenic.com (developer info, contributing to Mercurial)
- Improving documentation (newbies welcome!)
- Tackling bug reports (or working on bite-sized bugs)
- Working on feature requests and wishes
- Implementing remote-tracking branches/bookmarks
- Anything you'd like to discuss or hack on
- Brodie Rao
- David Wolever (@wolever)
- Greg Ward
- Jennifer Leech
- Jon Dugan (@jdugan)
- Craig Leres
Please head on over to the #mercurial IRC channel on freenode if you plan on attending! You can sprint with us remotely on IRC as well if you won't be here during the sprint days.
Mython is an extensible variant of Python.
URL: http://mython.org/
Leader: Jon Riehl (jriehl@spaceship.com)
- Teaching and evangelism.
- Documentation
- Testing
- CMython (using Python 3)
- MyMy (via PyPy)
- Jon Riehl
Open Government Sprint
Leader: James Turk (@jamesturk; jturk@sunlightfoundation.com)
URL: http://openstates.sunlightlabs.com/contributing/
Open to any Open Gov't type project, but we'll mainly be working on the Open State Project)
Come by the "Opening Government with Python" poster during the poster session to learn more about how to get involved.
- James Turk
- Michael Stephens
- Doug Morgan (@dmorganGT)
Leader: Brian Rosner
- Working on Pinax 0.9 starter projects
- New apps
- James Tauber
- Patrick Altman
- Luke Hatcher
- Chris Clarke
- Nolan Brubaker (@palendae)
- Wes Winham
A web-based service for collaborative book editing. Made to facilitate the sharing learning resource creation effort between educators that collaborate. To do this, it uses a web interface to edit reStructuredText files, which are then put together into online HTML books using Sphinx.
Leader: Filip Sufitchi
URL: http://launchpad.net/pybookbuilder
- Main sprint objective: Convert pyBookBuilder from current web2py framework to the Pyramid framework.
- Add built-in version control for pyBookBuilder books
- Filip Sufitchi
- Douglas Cerna
- Jeffrey Elkner
Python Knowledge Engine. Integrates Logic Programming into Python. Includes automatic Python program generation. Will be co-sprinting with the Naimath medical expert system.
Leader: Bruce Frederiksen
URL: http://pyke.sourceforge.net
- Multi-threading support (this has been asked for by those wanting to use Pyke with Django).
- Be able to split a single rule base across multiple .krb files (to handle very large rule bases).
- Figure out a way to get around the Python limit on nested structures which prevents more than 10-12 lines in a "when" clause.
- Add keyword arguments to statements to make built-in statements more expressive (e.g., for database access).
- Add encoding spec to .krb files.
- Add your name here!
Leader: Chris McDonough
URL: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/#contributing
- Potentially port WebOb to Py3K.
- WebOb/Werkzeug collaboration.
- Marketing: now that Pyramid 1.0 is done, how can we promote it?
- Chris McDonough
- Ben Bangert
- Blaise Laflamme
- Carlos de la Guardia
- Reed O'Brien
- Chris Rossi
- Rick Harding
- Mike Orr
- Joe Dallago
- Whit Morriss
- Alex Conrad
- Kai Groner
- Casey Duncan
- Chris Shenton
- Tres Seaver
Leader: Maciej Fijalkowski (fijall@gmail.com)
URL: PyPy, Speed center
- Running your stuff on PyPy
- Running it fast
- Maciej Fijalkowski
- Armin Rigo
- Laura Creighton
- Jacob Hallén
- Alex Gaynor
- Tomaz Muraus
- Bob Hancock
- Greg Price
- Brad Smith
- Arkady Koplyarov
- Andrey Tatarinov
- Alex Perry
Read the Docs
Help hack on the documentation site that hosts some of your favorite projects.
Leader : Eric Holscher (@ericholscher)
Eric Holscher
SQLAlchemy / Mako Templates / Beaker Caching
Projects run or largely maintained by Mike Bayer. We will try to get into the same room as Pylons/Pyramid.
Leader: Mike Bayer (mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com)
URLs: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
- Bug fixes for the new 0.7 release of SQLAlchemy
- Documentation, possible book planning
- Unit test cleanup
- Dialect features for SQLAlchemy - Sybase reflection, Oracle datatypes, psycopg2 for Python 3, others
- ORM features
- Performance Enhancements, refactoring of legacy sections
- Bugfixes
- Documentation enhancements
- Bugfixes
- Enhanced configurability and usability
- Merge the "sqla" and "database" backends
- Documentation
- Better test coverage for varied backends
- Split beaker_extensions into appropriate backends for each one
- Mike Bayer
- Diana Clarke
- Michael Trier (@mtrier)
- Denise Govindarajan
- Jim Phares
- Megan McNulty
- Joel Mohler
- Mark Sharp
- Toby Ho
- Brad Allen
Stackless Python
Leader: Kristjan Valur Jonsson
URL: http://stackless.com
- Bringing back Stackless pickling coolness to regular Python.
- Evaluating and extending stacklesslib.
- Maybe add detection of blocking operations to stacklesslib (ala canary service at CCP).
- Helping people understand how Stackless works under the hood.
- Supporting Python 3.x Stackless users, which may include porting utility libraries to 3.x from 2.x.
- Making it possible to run Stackless in a way where only soft switching (Python VM level frame dispatching) is used, and not the low-level hard switching (assembler thread stack manipulation).
- Extract the tasklet scheduling logic into a scheduler object, if possible. Having the scheduler be a separate module would make it easier to write custom scheduling algorithms, such as priority based scheduling.
- Addition: Propose and discuss concepts to add efficient multi-core support to Stackless. What would be the most natural user interface for it?
- Kristjan Valur Jonsson.
- John Rittenhouse
- Ted Koenig
- Christian Tismer
- David Press
- Andrew Francis
- Carlos Knippschild
- Arkady Koplyarov
- Hervé Coatanhay
- Alain Poirier
- Joshua E Cook
- Eugene Oden
- Add your name here!
Leader: Brian Warner (warner-tahoe@lothar.com)
- Accounting
- Grid Setup
- Reviewing MDMF
- Brian Warner
- Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
Leader: Eli Carter (elicarter@retracile.net)
URL: Trac
- Trac core
- Trac-related plugins
- Eli Carter
Leader Pete Fein (pfein@pobox.com)
URL: Twiggy hg directions
IRC: irc.freenode.net #wearpants
- Great for new sprinters!
- Thread/process context support
- New backends (mail, syslog, http)
- Stdlib logging compatability layer
- Perhaps port to Python 3
- Feature additions
- Bug Fixes
- Pete Fein
- Quincy Yarde
- Kyle Rickey
Leader: Jean-Paul Calderone (exarkun@twistedmatrix.com)
URL: Twisted, Speed center
- New HTTP client features - cookies, authentication, redirects, caching, timeouts, form posting
- New HTTP server features - streaming uploads, asynchronous child lookup
- IPv6
- Completing partially finished tickets
- Documentation refactor
- Port to Python 3
- Jean-Paul Calderone
- Glyph Lefkowitz
- Allen Short
- Kevin Horn
- Squiddo (noob alert)
- Aaron Gallagher (_habnabit)
- Pavel Pergamenshchik
- Tom Davis
- Facundo Batista
- lvh
- Brian Warner
- Drew Smathers
Leader: Christian Theune (ct AT gocept.com)
URL: http://docs.zope.org/developer/
- Port ZTK to Python 3
- Port ZTK to PyPy
- Improve the state of utilities for managing/introspecting the ZODB
- webob <=> zope request adapters
- Baiju M
- Christian Theune
- Jeff Rush
- Lennart Regebro
- David Glick
- Tres Seaver
- Jim Fulton
Project N - Medical Expert System
Leader: Dr. Inayathullah Ghori (inayath2020@gmail.com)
The goal of this sprint is to try various design strategies, test expert system rules, analyze certainty factor and code a better GUI. We will be using the old mercurial repository.
Leader: Roland Hedberg (roland.hedberg@adm.umu.se)
PySAML2 was originally designed to support SAML2 authentication for WSGI based applications. It was almost immediately extended to also support Django based applications. The goal of this sprint is to try simplify using PySAML2 from other frameworks.
URL: https://code.launchpad.net/pysaml2
- Roland Hedberg
- Lorenzo Gil @lorenzogil
Leader: Jim Fulton
- Port buildout to Python 3
- Documentation
- Refactor tests
- Features from blueprints: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zc.buildout
- Jim Fulton
cuda_ct and boaracuda
Leader: Ken Seehart (ken@seehart.com, 831-535-2442))
Write compute kernels in CUDA C, then interact with the kernels in python using ctypes. An alternative to PyCuda.
CUDA Library Wrapper: ctypes
- Complete the cuda ctypes wrapper
- Implement interoperability with numpy (assigned to Jay Kelkar)
- New demo sample app
- Infrastructure details for OS development
- Documentation
URL: https://github.com/kenseehart/boaracuda
- Jay Kelkar