Tutorial Teacher Information
You've been selected to teach a tutorial? Congratulations! Here's stuff you need to know.
Once we have selected the classes to present, the next big step is to get all 32 classes scheduled. This is not a trivial undertaking. We attempt to create combinations of classes for various skill levels and interests as well as accommodating you and your fellow teacher's desires for specific days and/or time slots. You can help us out by letting us know as soon as possible if you need to teach on a specific day (for example, are you planning to attend the Virtual Machine or Language summit?). If you are teaching two classes, would you prefer teaching both on the same day or split the day? We do our best to please everybody but can not guarantee anything.
Wednesday Night is on PyCon
Note: the following offer did not apply in 2011. The change was communicated to tutorial instructors via email but this page went unnoticed and was not corrected before the conference.
If you are scheduled to teach a Wednesday class, PyCon will pay the cost of your hotel room Wednesday night. You must stay at the host hotel to qualify for this, even if is just for the one night.
- If you share your room with a non-teacher, we will pick up half the cost of the night.
- If you stay alone, we pick up the entire cost of the room.
- If you share with another teacher, we pay for the entire room.
- We will not pick up the cost of room service, pay-per-view movies or any "extras".
- In order to qualify for this benefit you must have your paperwork taken care of before PyCon tutorials start. Also, make we know you plan on doing this so we can get you on "the list" for the registration desk.
Getting Paid
You will be paid for your efforts. Details are being finalized and we will get information post here as soon as we know. We will have extensive details posted about the exact paperwork you will need to submit prior to the conference in order to get paid. This has been difficult in the past and we are dedicated to making your payments a much more pleasant experience in 2011.
You can help us out by getting all paperwork in as early as possible. The United States Tax Code is insanely complex and we have people dedicated to answering your questions.
Class Notes
You are expected to product class notes. More information is Here
Contacting Your Students
You may want to communicate with your students before the conference starts. You were given the opportunity to list an email address for the students to reach you, but if you must get a message out to them, mail the message to the pycon-tutorial list (pycon-tutorials@python.org) with the message and class name to send it to. We will send the message to the email address each student has left as a contact.
Be aware that PyCon is extremely sensitive about sending out messages in this manner as some people consider this Spam. We ask you to use this service sparingly.
If you have questions or concerns not addressed here, please email us at pycon-tutorials@pycon.org and we'll get to work on them.