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PyCon 2011 Atlanta

March 9th–17th

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Large Scale Data Conditioning & Processing with Stackless Python and Pypes

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Novice / Talk
March 12th 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Pypes is a component oriented framework for designing dataflow applications. It uses Stackless Python to model components as computational entities that operate by sending and receiving messages. Components are designed to process streams of data modeled as a series of messages which are exchanged asynchronously. Data streams are initiated over an asynchronous REST interface.


There's been some recent momentum around data flow programming with a number of new frameworks having been released. This new found interest is due largely in part to the increasing amount of data being produced and consumed by applications. MapReduce has become a general topic of discussion for analytics over large data sets but it's increasingly evident that it's not a panacea.

Simple batch processing tools like MapReduce and Hadoop are just not powerful enough in any one of the dimensions of the big data space that really matters. One particular area where MapReduce falls short is in near real-time search. It used to be common to run batch processing jobs on a nightly basis which would index the days events, making them searchable.

Given today's social dynamics, people have come to expect instant access to data as opposed to a daily digest. Batch oriented semantics are being superseded by event driven architectures that act on live, real-time streams of data. This shift in paradigm has sparked new interest in dataflow concepts.

Dataflow frameworks promote the data to become the main concept behind any program. It becomes a matter of "data-flow" over "control-flow" where processes are just the way data is created, manipulated and destroyed. This concept is well represented in the Unix operating system which pipes data between small single-purpose tools to produce more sophisticated applications.

Pypes is a dataflow framework that leverages Stackless Python to model processes as black box operations that communicate by sending and receiving messages. These processes are naturally component oriented allowing them to be connected in different ways to form new applications. Components are inherently stateless making parallel processing relatively simple. Because a component is an abstraction of a Stackless tasklet (true coroutines), expensive setups such as loading machine learning models are done once during initialization and can then be used throughout the life of the component. This is in contrast to MapReduce frameworks that typically incur this overhead each time the map function is called or try to manage some sort of global state.

One aspect that differentiates Pypes from other dataflow frameworks is its "push" model. Unlike generator based solutions which pull data through the system, Pypes provides a RESTful interface that allows data to be pushed in. This allows Pypes to sit more natural as an event driven middleware component in the context of a larger architecture. A data push model also simplifies scalability since an entire cluster of nodes can be setup behind a load balancer which will then automatically partition the incoming data stream. Generator based "pull models" cannot easily partition data without somehow coordinating access to the data which involves global state.

Pypes was designed to be a highly scalable, event driven, dataflow scheduling and execution environment. Writing your own components is simple and Pypes provides Paste templates for creating new projects. Components are packaged as Python eggs and discovered automatically. They can be wired together using a visual editor that runs in any HTML5 compliant browser. Pypes supports Directed Acyclic Graphs and data streams are modeled as a series of JSON (dict) packets which support meta-data at both the packet level and the field level.

Pypes also leverages the Python multiprocessing module to scale up. Data arriving through the REST interface on any given node will be distributed across parallel instances of the graph running on different cores/CPUs. Data submission is completely asynchronous.

This talk will provide a gentle introduction to the Pypes architecture and design.


  • Brief intro to Stackless Python (benefits it provides)
  • Control-Flow vs Data-Flow
  • Preemptive vs Cooperative Scheduling
  • The Topological Scheduler
  • The REST API (Submitting Data - Asynchronous Web Service)
  • Packet API: A unified data model with meta-data support
  • Writing Custom Components - Paste templates and pluggable eggs
  • Scale up - multiprocessing support
  • Scale out - cloud friendly
  • Questions