Hands on Intermediate Python
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Novice / Tutorial
March 10th 1:20 p.m. – 4:40 p.m.
Are you new to Python and want to learn how to step it up to the next level? Have you wondered about functional programming, closures, decorators, context managers, generators or list comprehensions and when you should use them and how to test them? This hands-on tutorial will cover these intermediate subjects in detail, by explaining the theory behind them then walking through examples.
Tutorial will be in the the form of short lecture, short assignment to practice the concepts.
Attendees should come with a laptop and Python 2.x (3.x differences will be noted).
Tutorial will cover:
- Testing (unittest and doctest)
- Functional Programming
- Functions
- Closures
- Decorators
- Class decorators
- Properties
- Context Managers
- List comprehensions
- Iterator pattern
- Generators
Materials include slides, handout and assignment code. Prizes to be awarded for completion of assignment.