Exhibition of Atrocity
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Experienced / Talk
March 12th 2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Believe it or not, but you can write pretty horrendously awful code even in a language as elegant as Python. Over the years, I've committed my share of sins; now it's time to come clean. Step right up for a tour of twisted, evil, and downright wrong code, and learn some strategies to avoid writing criminally bad code--if you dare!
What does it look like when good intentions go horribly wrong? This talk will take a tour through pathological code from my past (as well as some contributions from friends, coworkers, and the community), featuring such terrors as:
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Hungarian Notation
- Crimes Against PEP-8
- The Diaper Pattern
- The Beast With a Thousand Elifs
- The Mile-Long Club
- God Objects and God Methods
- The Malignant Menace of Mutable Keyword Arguments
- The Seductive Lure of Global State
- Slower Applications Through DTO Bondage
- A Twisty Maze of Single-Character Variables, All Alike
- Lambdas, Lambdas Everywhere
- The List Comprehension That Ate Cincinnati
- Adventures in Wheel Reinvention
- New and Creative Ways to Break the Build
...as well as others as time permits.