Scaling Python past 100
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Novice / Talk
March 13th 1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. has been in the top 100 sites on the internet, and we discovered that python was easily able to scale up to handle that traffic. In fact Python is now the core language for all new features, and is taking over all of
The path from legacy PHP to modern python tools has been long an bumpy, and this is the story of how we took Python from a single prototype site, to the core technology driving I will discuss the mistakes we made along the way, the benefits that sold python, and the real secret behind our python transformation.
A few highlights include:
- How we abused libraries for fun and profit
- How a major mistake made us look good
- How the python community worked for us
- How we couldn't have done it without Django AND TurboGears