Hidden Treasures in the Standard Library
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Experienced / Talk
March 13th 1:55 p.m. – 2:25 p.m.
This presentation covers features of the standard library not widely known or used. Each feature is presented with a short demonstration program and explanation.
The standard library contains many hidden gems that are not widely used, either because they are not publicized enough or because they are deep in a module that programmers haven't had cause to study or use. This presentation covers 8-10 selected topics of this nature in about 25 minutes (leaving time for a couple of questions). Demonstration code is included for every item.
Possible tips include, in no particular order:
- Using hmac to verify pickled data before unpacking it.
- Using uuid4 to generate session tokens.
- Regular expression look-ahead/behind matches.
- pdb startup files
- Reading files with mmap
- Using csv dialects
- The robotparser module
- The rlcompleter module
- Using locale to format numbers and currency
- The cgitb module
- pkgutil.getdata
- contextlib.contextmanager
- The cmd module
- The fileinput module