Extreme Network Programming with Python and Linux
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Experienced / Talk
March 11th 4 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Traditionally, C is the preferred language for low level network programming and works well for those who have the time and patience to work with it. As it turns out, Python is very capable for prototyping low level network code, collecting data, and testing ideas quickly without getting lost in the land of C.
While not as robust as C, python provides a simple and elegant solution for many cases to either prove a theory or gather data before developing a more robust solution. Obscure topics such as raw sockets, multicast, network bridging, rolling your own vpn, and disruption tolerant networking will be covered. Use of python can enable building a custom protocols, debugging a network, fixing broken nets, custom logging and processing, and simulation of networks. The author will talk about his experiences using python on linux for extreme network programming and possibilities for future efforts.