The Development of Python and You
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Novice / Talk
March 11th 1:20 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
Have an inside look at what it takes to work on CPython, from getting setup with the source and navigating the bug tracker, to the best practices for having your work accepted. We'll find, categorize, and fix an issue in Python to get you started.
This talk is ideal for those who are new to open source projects or are interested in the Python development process.
People from all backgrounds, users of all platforms, and developers of all levels are necessary in the development of Python. From writing code to documentation, it takes all kinds of people to make an impact. If you've used Python, we need you, and what better place to get involved than at PyCon?
2010 saw a rise in the number of contributors to CPython, and the PSF stepped in to support the efforts of those wanting to get involved. Are you up for the challenge? This talk dives right into what it takes to get involved, covering the who, what, where, when, and why of Python development, going through the whole process live.
After the conference is over, stick around with the CPython crew and hack away!