Packaging, from Distutils to Distutils2
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Experienced / Talk
March 12th 4:55 p.m. – 5:25 p.m.
Packaging or installing a Python application can be extremely painful.
This talk will deep-dive into the new Distutils2 features and explain how you can use them in your project *today* to make life easier for everyone (users, OS package managers, developers, etc.).
- Distutils2 presentation and goals
- Framework
- Command-driven packaging system
- Changes from Distutils1
- R.I.P.
- The new metadata fields (PEP 345)
- versions for your project (PEP 386)
- PyPI goodies
- browsing
- uploading docs
- What's installed ? what to install ? (PEP 376)
- The Dependency graph tool
- Extensibility !
- commands
- compilers
- Pysetup, one command to rule them all
- install !
- remove
- do other things
- Examples
- Example 1: A simple Distutils2 project
- Example 2: Porting your project to Distutils2, and keep it working in Distutils/Setuptools/zc.buildout environments.
- Example 3: Creating and releasing your own commands and compilers
- Example 4: Developement process made simple with Distutils2
- Conclusion
- Roadmap