General installation help: 6:30-8:00PM Tuesday & Wednesday in Open Spaces.
Hi All,
Thank you for your interest in "Bayesian Statistics Made Simple." I am looking forward to the tutorial. Here are a couple of things you should know ahead of time:
1) The description of the tutorial is at (you have probably already seen that).
My web page with my slides and other details is at You don't have to read the slides ahead of time, but if you want to look it over, you can get a sense of what we'll be doing.
2) Here's the important part. Before the tutorial, you need to install some packages and download some software from me. The instructions are here:
You will need to follow these instructions before the tutorial. We have been warned not to count on reliable network connections during the tutorial, so we need to plan ahead.
If you run into any problems, we can try to fix them ahead of time, but we will not have time during the tutorial to fix problems with your Python environment.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Allen Downey
See you soon!