Pyramid is the web framework at the core of the Pylons Project. It’s a “pay only for what you eat” framework. You can get started easily and learn new concepts as you go, and only if you need them. It’s simple, well tested, well documented, and fast.
Though it’s in part inspired by Zope and uses concepts and software that may be familiar to Zope programmers, no prior Zope experience is required to use it. Also, unlike Zope, you don’t need to understand many concepts and technologies fully before you can be truly productive.
Pyramid is also inspired by Django and Pylons. It tries to learn valuable lessons from things that have gone well with different web frameworks and give the user great flexibility in applying them.
This course will present Pyramid and lead you through the creation of a an application as the concepts from the framework are introduced. The extensive Pyramid documentation will be used as “text book”.
Proposed outline: