Diversity in practice: How the Boston Python User Group grew to 1700 people and over 15% women

Audience level:
March 11th 2:10 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.


How do you bring more women into programming communities with long-term, measurable results? In this talk we'll analyze our successful effort, the Boston Python Workshop, which brought over 200 women into Boston's Python community this year. We'll talk about lessons learned running the workshop, the dramatic effect it has had on the local user group, and how to run a workshop in your city.


The Boston Python Workshop is a project-driven introduction to Python for women and their friends. It has run 6 times with the Boston Python User Group in the last 12 months, bringing over 200 women into the local Python community. By being fully integrated into the main user group, the workshop has helped the user group grow to over 1700 members and consistently draw over 15% women at its events. We'll talk about lessons learned running the workshop, the dramatic effect it has had on the Boston Python User Group, and what it takes to run an outreach event in your city.

To see how it works, check out a sample curriculum and schedule. You can also see photos of our lecture and hands-on project time.

What and why
  • Workshop motivation and goals

  • Workshop structure

  • Lessons learned running intro events and outreach events focused on women

How the workshop changed the local user group
  • How we got to > 15% women at all events

  • Becoming beginner-friendly

  • Python Project Nights

  • User group growth and becoming a community for more than just professional programmers

Beyond Boston
  • PyStar, PyLadies

  • Sharing resources across the globe

Your turn
  • What does it take to run a workshop in your city?

  • Make one happen