Django Form Processing Deep Dive

Audience level:
Web Frameworks
March 10th 11:05 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.


Django Form processing often takes a back seat to flashier, more visible parts of the framework. But Django forms, fully leveraged, can help developers be more productive and write more cohesive code. This talk will dive deep into the stock Django forms package, as well as discuss a strategy for abstracting validation for forms, and the use of unit and integration tests with forms.


Django Form processing often takes a back seat to flashier, more visible parts of the framework. But Django forms are an integral part of the framework that can help developers be more productive and write more cohesive, well tested code. This talk will dive deep into the stock Django forms package, providing an examples of:

  • custom validation and validation patterns
  • processing multiple forms at once (form sets)
  • persisting validated form data to models (model forms)

We'll also discuss ways to build on Django forms, including:

  • writing unit and integration tests for forms, and how writing tests can help you understand code cohesion
  • abstracting validation for forms to provide tiered validation (for example, one set of criteria to save, additional criteria to publish)
  • approaches to working with multiple, heterogeneous forms simultaneously