The PyCon Tutorial days are Wednesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 8th. Each day has two 3-hour tutorials, one in the morning (from 9:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.) and one in the afternoon (from 1:20 p.m. to 4:40 p.m.). The evenings are free for socializing and Open Space.
Tutorials are a great opportunity to learn something new related to Python from experts, and they are a great value — you can see pricing information on the registration page.
The 2012 tutorial schedule has been announced! - You can see the full list of tutorials with schedule on the tutorial schedule page. Registration for the tutorials and conference is also open - head over to the registration page.
If you are interested in teaching a tutorial see the Call for Proposals and Tutorial Information for Instructors.
Closer to the conference we'll add information to this page about how to get the most out of tutorials you take. The best thing you can do to prepare for a tutorial is be sure your laptop has the required software loaded on it before the tutorial. Specific requirements will be listed in the tutorial descriptions, and for a few tutorials, instructors will communicate more detailed or revised instructions to participants closer to the conference.
There are several ways you can help with tutorials.
Volunteer for the tutorial review committee to review proposals and decide which ones to accept. To join the review committee list, email
Volunteer to help as a TA (Teacher's Assistant) during a tutorial if you have some Python experience and like helping others learn. This is new for 2012 at PyCon and it's still in the planning stage, but if you might be interested email us at
If you have any other questions or suggestions, please contact us at