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PyCon 2013 Launches, Calls for Proposals

Back for another year in Santa Clara, PyCon 2013 is sure to sell out. Proposals for tutorials, talks, and posters are now being accepted.

Santa Clara, CA (PRWEB) July 09, 2012 -- Following the incredible successes of PyCon 2012, the PyCon organizers have been hard at work to introduce the new PyCon 2013 website. After record breaking numbers in many areas, from attendance to talk proposals, this conference is already shaping up to be another blowout. Sponsors have been rolling in since March, and the organizers are interested in working with all organizations wanting to sponsor the 2013 conference.

As with 2012, PyCon will again be at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California. The tutorials run on March 13 and 14, the main conference talks begin Friday March 15 and run through Sunday March 17, and the event wraps up with development sprinting through Thursday March 21.

Just a short distance from the San José Airport, the conference center is in the perfect area for a week-long event showcasing the Python programming language. The new website brings back a well liked feature of last year’s site, the venue page, listing restaurants, attractions, and other activities in the South Bay and surrounding areas. As Paul Graham said in his 2012 keynote, “this is the center of Silicon Valley,” referring to Python’s and PyCon’s role in the future of technology.

Attendance will be strictly limited to 2500 attendees, and the organizers look forward to opening ticket sales this fall. While they are exploring different ways to go about early bird pricing, conference chairman Jesse Noller mentions, “anyone wishing to attend the conference should begin any necessary preparations with their employer.” As with the last several years, 2013 is sure to be a sell out so be ready.

Coming over a month earlier than last year’s announcement, the organizers have opened their Call for Proposals to present tutorials, talks, and posters at the 2013 conference. After receiving 519 proposals, a record for all three presentation categories, the program committee is expecting even more to roll in through the proposal deadline.

From first timers to well traveled speakers, the program committee is asking for presentations from all levels of the community. Expanding diversity in all aspects of the conference schedule is a goal, from the speakers themselves to the topics and everything in between. All interested presenters should register and check the speaker section of the new site.

The organizers would like to especially thank all of the launch sponsors who show amazing dedication to PyCon.

PyCon 2013’s launch day sponsors include: Heroku, Walt Disney Animation Studios, RedHat, Twilio, Mailgun, Continuum Analytics, Counsyl, Milo, Wingware, devsAr, AWeber Communications, Stratasan, LeapFrog Online, PlaidCloud, Linode, Jetbrains, WebCube CMS, net-ng, Python Academy, Thumbtack, and Raspberry Pi.

Without them, PyCon would not be what it is, and with many of them being repeat sponsors, they keep PyCon alive from year to year.

For more information about sponsoring PyCon 2013, see our sponsor page and contact

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