You can also use this site to find other carpoolers going to similar events:
Getting around in general, and in particular from the airport to the venue when arriving (or venue to the airport, when leaving) can be a hassle if you don't know the area or are arriving at an odd time when transport options are limited.
If anyone's arriving and renting a car, or driving past an airport on their way, or something, and fancies giving a fellow Pythonista a lift...
Please enter date, time, capacity, airport, and any alternative destinations that are on your way (e.g. alternative hotel)
name | date | time | capacity | airport | alternative destinations |
(sample) Django Unicorn | 13th March | 2pm | 3 + luggage | SFO | Hyatt |
Please enter date, time, capacity, airport, and any alternative starting points that are on your way
name | date | time | capacity | airport | alternative starting points |
(sample) Django Unicorn | 21st March | 11am | 3 + luggage | SFO | Hyatt |