Change the future

Python in Music

What is it?

An informal group chat about all the great things people are doing with music with Python. Feel free to give a short talk about something you're working on or a useful tool you've used.

Who should attend?

Anyone working on a music or audio project using Python. Anyone who wants to learn about music projects that use Python.


9pm Friday, March 15th


Room 212


Please add yourself below:

  • Jonathan Marmor
  • A. Jesse Jiryu Davis?
  • Danilo J. S. Bellini
  • Greg Surges
  • James Tauber


If you'd like to present something, please give a brief description below. Performances and demonstrations are encouraged as well, if you can provide any equipment needed. (The room does not have a PA or projector.)

  • Jonathan Marmor: I'll give a brief overview of some projects built with Python at "Monthly Music Hackathon NYC" in the last 6 months.
  • Danilo J. S. Bellini (depends on audio/video/internet equipment for a Google+ Hangout from Brazil): I can introduce some general features and examples using "AudioLazy": a real-time and expressive DSP package in Python.
  • James Tauber can give a deeper dive into Sebastian or Czerny if people are interested

More info

Contact Jonathan Marmor at, @jonathanmarmor