This will be the fifth annual Testing In Python Birds of a Feather or TiP BoF (synonymous with Testing BoF).
TiP stands for Testing in Python. There's a mailing list of folks who care about testing and methodologies, be they Agile, TDD, Stupidity Driven Development, etc. Discussions run the gamut of code organization, testing frameworks, continuous integration, web testing, etc.
We provide a venue for people to give presentations about testing related projects. The TiP BoF generally follows this format:
Opening Remarks Lightning Talks Lightning Talks are done on a first come, first served basis. There will be a sign-up sheet provided at the BoF itself (never prior to). We encourage the 5 minute rule, but won't throw anything at anyone if they go over 5 minutes. There is feedback given on the projects (WARNING: The feedback given may contain speech of the adult nature).
Officially: Saturday March 16 @ 8:00 PM
Organizers (you know who you are): We should get together @ 7:30 PM to coordinate everything.
Great American Meeting Rooms 1-3.
I don't think I need to convince anyone to come to TiP BoF. It's a fun - albeit slightly rowdy - time with some great Pythonistas. Previous highlights of the TiP BoF include:
If you're coming to the TiP BoF ... put your name below.