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A beginner's introduction to Pydata: how to build a minimal recommendation engine.

A beginner's introduction to Pydata: how to build a minimal recommendation engine

Hello tutorial attendees!

Thank you for your interest in "A beginner's introduction to Pydata", we are looking forward to the tutorial.

This tutorial will be highly interactive, and we'll go over a number of coding exercises as we go along. For this, you'll need a working Python environment with specific library versions and some data files.


1- Here are the Env setup instructions. Shoot us an email if you run into problems!

2- Download the MovieLens 1M Data Set and unzip it into a 'data' subdir.

3- Download (or clone if you know git) the tutorial repository. The handouts are in the pdf-exports subdir.

Since we won't be able to make it to the Tutorial Preparation Sessions, we'll be hanging around our tutorial room (Mission City M2) an hour before we get started in case anybody needs help.


Diego Maniloff