You just finished the Django tutorial. What do you do now? You wire in Django Packages! Django is part of an ecosphere of over 20,000 packages, which can be leveraged to great effect. This tutorial wil teach the evaluation, use, and extension of third party Python and Django applications in your projects. This tutorial will be a lecture with a lot of detailed and annotated code examples.
You just finished the Django tutorial. What do you do now? You wire in Django Packages! Django is more than just a framework. It is part of an ecosphere of over 20,000 indexed packages. With experience and knowledge, these packages can be leveraged to great effect. This tutorial wil teach the evaluation, use, and extension of third party Python and Django applications in your projects.
This tutorial does much more than instruct on how to wire in third party packages, it also instructs on Django/Python best practices such as PEP-8, loose coupling, good database design, clarity of concept, and workable patterns.
This talk will cover in-depth the following subjects:
This will be lecture with detailed and annotated code examples. Attendees will have a chance per section to ask questions and submit alternative packages of their own.
Attendees should be familiar with Python and have completed the Django tutorial. Practical or professional experience with Django is also recommended.