Change the future

Friday 4:15 p.m.–5 p.m.

Awesome Big Data Algorithms

Titus Brown

Audience level:
Big Data


Random algorithms and probabilistic data structures are algorithmically efficient and can provide shockingly good practical results. I will give a practical introduction, with live demos and bad jokes, to this fascinating algorithmic niche. I will conclude with some discussions of how our group has applied this to large sequencing data sets (although this will not be the focus of the talk).


I propose to start with Python implementations of most of the DS & A mentioned in this excellent blog post:

and also discuss skip lists and any other random algorithms that catch my fancy. I'll put everything together in an IPython notebook and add visualizations as appropriate.

I'll finish with some discussion of how we've put these approaches to work in my lab's research, which focuses on compressive approaches to large data sets (and is regularly featured in my Python-ic blog,