Change the future

Friday 5:10 p.m.–5:40 p.m.

SimpleCV - Computer Vision using Python

Katherine Scott

Audience level:
Useful Libraries


This talk is a brief summary of Computer Vision tutorial we proposed for PyCon. In this talk we will discuss what computer vision is, why it's useful, what tools exist in the Python ecosystem, and how to apply it to your project. The talk will focus on the SimpleCV library but also touch upon NumPy. SciPy and iPython notebooks.


This talk will give a crash course on using SimpleCV in the iPython notebook to do basic computer vision operations. This talk will be useful for those who would like to do research in basic robotic vision, automatically manipulate photos for a website, or use a camera to generate useful real time data.

The talk will first discuss the basic of opening, editing (cropping, resizing, rotating), and saving image and video files. We will then perform a few other modifications like changing the color space, sharpening and softening the image, and few basic enhancements. We will then move on to extracting information from the image using barcode readers, template matching, the face detection model, and optical character recognition. We will then conclude with a couple of machine learning examples that show how to classify different types of images.

We will conclude the talk with how all of these components can be folded into a full web-stack to create an image-aware website.