This tutorial teaches basic web development for people who have some experience writing HTML, CSS, and front-end Javascript, but have little or no experience building an end-to-end web application.
Together we will build a basic social bookmarking application using Django!
In this tutorial, we will explain topics and provide commands for you to run on your own computer. You will leave with a working web app! (We also provide snapshots so if you can't get one step working, you can skip past the problem and figure it out later.)
This is a tutorial on web programming, so we will go beyond just Django and discuss third-party Django apps and other real-world web development tools. We'll also be emphasizing areas of Django that particularly affect designers, such as static files, template inheritance, and AJAX.
We expect you to have git, Python, and a few other elements ready on your laptop before the tutorial. We will publish a laptop setup guide that steps you through:
Update: See updated tutorial preparation instructions at Going from web pages to web apps with Python
What we're building today -- a simple social bookmarking application
Activate your env
Start your project
Set up your settings and database
Projects vs. apps distinction
Set up tests, watch them fail
Start your first app
M-V-C separation
Writing our URLs
Handling those URLs with placeholder views
Introduction to databases and the ORM, or: finally, something we couldn't've done with plain HTML/CSS/JS!
Creating a basic model, in
Creating tables (carefully, with South)
Add data to your app via the command line
Database migrations and South, part 2
Views with actual data
Users and authentication
Django templates 101
CRUD with forms
Static files
Improving our CSS
Adding and updating bookmarks with JSON and asynchronous Javascript
Surfing to classmates' "runserver" instances
Deployment on Heroku
Brief discussion of other deployment options
Writing your own tests
Write your own styles / JS frontend behavior
Handling user-uploaded media
Accessing a Django-powered API (Tastypie)