Co-Founder of the brazilian educational social network called It focus on helping students to pass in the public exams to get a civil job. More over than 150 thousand students registered. (
Co-Founder of the brazilian educational on-line platform It focus on teaching python and its applications around Brazil. More than 200 students already studied with us in several domains.(
Co-Founder of the brazilian educational on-line platform It extends the PyCursos and teaches several domains besides Python such as Law, Medicine, Technology, etc. It still under development. (
Teacher and Instructor of Python and Machine learning at local universities and companies.
Current position: Scientist Chief in those projects.
Speaker at Scipy Conference 2011, presenting my open-source project called Crab, a recommender system framework written in Python. (
Speaker since 2010 at the Brazilian Python Conference (PythonBrasil) with several talks about recommender systems and local communities. (
Speaker at the local community Pernambuco Python User Group (PUG-PE) as Senior Member. (
-- My Slideshare speakerdeck:
Developer and Maintaner of the recommender framework written in Python called Crab. (
Commiter of the Scikit-learn Project.
Open-sourced several libraries and projects. (
Maintaner of the AIMotion blog, a specialized blog in english about machine learning and artificial intelligence. (