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PyCon 2011 Atlanta

March 9th–17th

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Hookbox: All Python web-frameworks, now real-time. Batteries Included.

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Novice / Talk
March 11th 4:55 p.m. – 5:25 p.m.
Learn how to supercharge your python web applications (Django, Pylons, TG, GAE, Werkzeug, WSGI, etc) with real-time features! Presenceful and moderated chat? About 10 minutes, seriously. A real-time graph to monitor the CPU? Less than five. If you pay attention for at least half of this talk, you'll leave confident and ready to take advantage of WebSocket, Comet, and the world, thanks to Hookbox.


Hookbox ( is a Python and Eventlet-based Comet-server/message-queue which tightly integrates with existing web application infrastructure via web hooks and a REST interface; Hookbox’s purpose is to ease the development of real-time web applications, with an emphasis on tight integration with existing web technology. Put simply, Hookbox is a web-enabled message queue.

Browers may directly connect to Hookbox, subscribe to named channels, and publish and receive messages on those channels in real-time. An external application (typically the web application itself) may also publish messages to channels by means of the Hookbox REST interface. All authentication and authorization is performed by an external web application via designated “webhook” callbacks.

In this talk we cover the broad principles of Hookbox, then examine a few short examples in depth, including presenceful and moderated chat, real-time graphing, and, of course, a game. The code examples are very purposefully brief; the important parts of the talk deal with the interaction model between browser, web framework, and Hookbox -- everything else follows naturally and easily into place.

The audience need not be familiar with a particular web framework over another, but they must be proficient with at least one.

Though this talk is aimed at a novice level, we'll also spend some time talking about the more advanced features that Hookbox provides.