Tracks »
Track: Regency V
[Regency V] Fri: 10:25:00 — 12:30:00
- Session Chair: kordless
- Session Runner: gg
- Fri: 10:25:00 — 10:55:00: Using Python to debug C and C++ code (using gdb)
- Fri: 11:05:00 — 11:35:00: Supporting CPython on Unsupported Platforms
- Fri: 11:45:00 — 12:30:00: State of Pylons/TurboGears 2/repoze.bfg
[Regency V] Fri: 13:35:00 — 15:40:00
- Session Chair: cguardia
- Session Runner: nrb
- Fri: 13:35:00 — 14:05:00: Opening the Flask
- Fri: 14:15:00 — 14:45:00: Pluggable Django Patterns
- Fri: 14:55:00 — 15:40:00: Mobile applications testing using Python - an experimental technique
[Regency V] Fri: 16:15:00 — 17:25:00
- Session Chair: eleddy
- Session Runner: necaris
- Fri: 16:15:00 — 16:45:00: WSGI: Working together to solve the web's problems
- Fri: 16:55:00 — 17:25:00: Hookbox: All Python web-frameworks, now real-time. Batteries Included.
[Regency V] Sat: 10:25:00 — 12:30:00
- Session Chair: cajun_code
- Session Runner: ygingras
- Sat: 10:25:00 — 10:55:00: CouchDB and Python in practice
- Sat: 11:05:00 — 11:35:00: Running Django Apps on Google App Engine
- Sat: 11:45:00 — 12:30:00: HTSQL - an insanely good WSGI / REST interface to your favorite database
[Regency V] Sat: 13:35:00 — 15:40:00
- Session Chair: Charlie_X
- Session Runner: mlhamel
- Sat: 13:35:00 — 14:05:00: An (biased) survey of the python web
- Sat: 14:15:00 — 14:45:00: ZODB: A Python Persistence System
- Sat: 14:55:00 — 15:40:00: Python and Robots: Teaching Programming in High School
[Regency V] Sat: 16:15:00 — 17:25:00
- Session Chair: jheath
- Session Runner: necaris
- Sat: 16:15:00 — 16:45:00: HTTP in Python: which library for what task?
- Sat: 16:55:00 — 17:25:00: Through the Side Channel: Timing and Implementation Attacks in Python
[Regency V] Sun: 11:55:00 — 12:25:00
- Session Runner: aarjav
- Session Chair: cajun_code
- Sun: 11:55:00 — 12:25:00: Django: Pitfalls I Encountered and How to Avoid Them
[Regency V] Sun: 13:15:00 — 14:25:00
- Session Chair: cajun_code
- Session Runner: jensechu
- Sun: 13:15:00 — 13:45:00: The Pyramid FAQ
- Sun: 13:55:00 — 14:25:00: MongoDB + Pylons at Scalable Web Apps with Python and NoSQL