Pyramid has emerged as a fast, modern, lightweight web framework. This lively, hands-on tutorial covers a little about a lot: practical introductions to the most common facilities. Fun, fast-paced, and most certainly not aimed at experts.
Humans! This is a tutorial for regular folks who know a bit about Python and web development.
A good, fun attitude. If you'd like to follow along with the material, a laptop with Python 2.6.x or higher and a good editor.
Update: See updated tutorial preparation instructions at Pyramid for Humans
The tutorial will be presented in the context of the online "SQLAlchemy + URL Dispatch Wiki Tutorial" from the Pyramid website:
It will be a rewrite (and reduction) of the 2-day "Pyramid for Humans" tutorial at:
While the material will be reduced and the topic switched to Wiki+SQLAlchemy, the approach will be retained. Each "step" is an RST file, pointing at working code, installable as a package. This allows people to teleport themselves into the future if they get behind. Stated differently, attendees most likely can't fail.
Minor up front, lots of small steps
Each step has code with a working example (so people can teleport into future)
Each step has RST and links to the working package
Each step is a combination of intro, the code, explanation of the theory/purpose, and "extra credit" questions
What is this tutorial
Who is it for, not for
Objectives, what you should get out of it
What is and isn't Pyramid
Key features, strengths, weaknesses
About instructor
Explain this tutorial's use of packages for each step
Single file module, 21 lines
URL dispatch aka routes for view registration
Displays "hello world"
Extra Credit
Change from single module to:
Main module with a default and named view with the template
Use decorators and scanning to go find the views and register them
Extra credit
easy_install nose WebTest
A simple unit test and functional test
Show running the tests
Extra credit
Brief explanation of the what and why of view classes
Same as previous example, but done as a view class with 2 views
Include CSS and JS
Pyramid is not "batteries included"
Most Pyramid projects tend to use SQLAlchemy
Explain the sample application and its architecture
Install SQLite if needed and make sure your Python recognizes it
Install SQLAlchemy
Run simple command/module to verify setup
INI file, resources, and views
Show evolving the schema during development
Get the actual schema for a page in place
View classes, templates, and static assets
formalchemy for CRUD
Protect the editing with a login for users
For the tutorial, hardcoded username/password in INI file