## Fourth annual PyCon 5k charity fun run!
Join us for a 5k run along the beautiful Old Port of Montreal. All the money collected will be donated to a PyCon to [Autism Speaks Canada](http://www.autismspeaks.ca/).
Please note that all runners and walkers of all abilities are welcome!
## About Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks was founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a child with autism. In 2006, it became incorporated in Canada. Both, Autism Speaks and Autism Speaks Canada, have since grown into the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization. “Autism Speaks Canada is committed to improving lives today and transforming lives tomorrow.” For more information about Autism Speaks, please look at their website at: [http://www.autismspeaks.ca/](http://www.autismspeaks.ca/). ## Details - **When**: Saturday, April 11th at **7:00 am** - **Where**: Old port of Montreal - **Registration:** [https://pycon2015-5kfunrun.eventbrite.com](https://pycon2015-5kfunrun.eventbrite.com) - **Cost**: $20 USD (to be donated to a PyCon charity) - **Starting**: Quaie de l'Horloge, old port of Montreal Join us at 6:30am if you want, on Saturday, April 11th at the PyCon registration at the Palais des Congres if you are PyCon ! We'll walk to the old port !
For more informations about the route: http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/642382758
##For local people attending the 5K If you would like to take shower after the race, the YMCA Guy-Favreau offers showers for a small fee. It is right next to the Palais des congrès: [http://www.ymcaquebec.org/en/centre/news_events/ymca-guy-favreau/3/1/](http://www.ymcaquebec.org/en/centre/news_events/ymca-guy-favreau/3/1/)

Autism Speaks was founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a child with autism. In 2006, it became incorporated in Canada. Both, Autism Speaks and Autism Speaks Canada, have since grown into the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization. “Autism Speaks Canada is committed to improving lives today and transforming lives tomorrow.” For more information about Autism Speaks, please look at their website at: [http://www.autismspeaks.ca/](http://www.autismspeaks.ca/). ## Details - **When**: Saturday, April 11th at **7:00 am** - **Where**: Old port of Montreal - **Registration:** [https://pycon2015-5kfunrun.eventbrite.com](https://pycon2015-5kfunrun.eventbrite.com) - **Cost**: $20 USD (to be donated to a PyCon charity) - **Starting**: Quaie de l'Horloge, old port of Montreal Join us at 6:30am if you want, on Saturday, April 11th at the PyCon registration at the Palais des Congres if you are PyCon ! We'll walk to the old port !

##For local people attending the 5K If you would like to take shower after the race, the YMCA Guy-Favreau offers showers for a small fee. It is right next to the Palais des congrès: [http://www.ymcaquebec.org/en/centre/news_events/ymca-guy-favreau/3/1/](http://www.ymcaquebec.org/en/centre/news_events/ymca-guy-favreau/3/1/)