Python Education Summit Schedule

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The schedule for the 2015 Python Education Summit ======= The 2015 Python Education Summit is excited to offer an array of talks on Python and Education prior to PyCon 2015's main conference days! A full description of each talk, coming soon! Want to join us? Register Now at the [registration page][1]. If you are a speaker listed below, please contact [Chalmer Lowe][2] or [Jessica Nickel][3] for your Speaker's Early Bird pricing registration promo code.
  Track 1 Track 2
09:00 Introduction/Welcome
09:10 Keynote 1 Programming for Everybody With Python (Charles Severance, aka Dr. Chuck)
09:45 Keynote 2 IDLE Reimagined (Al Sweigart)
10:20 Women in Technology Peru: PyCamp Teen Peru (Andrea Villanes)
10:50 Break
11:00 Model: Programming as an information-centered activity (Elizabeth Wickes)
11:25 Full-year curriculum: Python for Middle & High School level (Jessica Nickel)
Cancelled: Community-based Learning: from EdX to author (Nafiul Islam)
11:50 Lightning Talks! Round 1: Advanced signup
12:30 Lunch & signups for the afternoon Lightning Talks!
13:30 Python for 3rd - 6th graders (Meenal Pant) Let's Get Physical with Raspberry Pi & Python (C. Anne)
14:00 Trinket and browser-based code sharing (Elliott Hauser) JS-parsons with Python (Petri Ihantola)
14:30 Edu Sig community meeting (Moderated) How do people use Python materials at Safari? (Liza Daly)
15:00 Break
15:10 Python Birds (Renzo)
15:40 Lightning Talks! Round 2
16:40 Concluding remarks
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