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Thursday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Building a REST API Using Django & Django REST Framework

Kenny Yarboro

Audience level:
Web Frameworks


Using a combination of Django and Django REST Framework, we will build a Restaurant Menu that can be managed via a REST API. Starting from the install of the Django REST Framework, we will build our way to a functional API that meets the needs of developers and end-users. You will walk away with an understanding of the basic concepts of REST APIs and a working sample project.


This tutorial will cover how easy it can be to build your own REST API using Django and Django REST Framework. It is meant to be a course for people that have at least an introductory knowledge of Python, but are not familiar or comfortable with the Django world. The tutorial would start with a quick walkthrough of installing the relevant Django REST Framework version. From there, we will actually start coding a REST API for a simple Restaurant Menu application. This will include covering the necessary building blocks that are required. In building our Restaurant Menu application, we will control API access levels through Django Users and Groups. We will also go over the benefits of the Admin interface and the Browsable API interface. Once our base API is ready, we will start looking at advanced use cases. Based on time and attendee interest, we may be able to cover additional topics along the way or at the end. Those additional topics could be advanced API functionalities or coverage of general questions.

Student Handout

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