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Nodjango, websockets with Django and Nodejs

Patrick Paul

Audience level:
Web Frameworks


Nodjango, a portmanteau of Node and Django, is a simple module to add websockets to Django. Rather than complicatedly rolling a Django websockets server in Python, this library simply connects to a Nodejs server as a client, and exposes certain Python services like the Django ORM over this websocket to the Nodejs application. A proxy routes non-websockets traffic to the Django webserver.


**Nodjango**, a portmanteau of _Node_ and _Django_, is a simple library to add websockets to Django. Rather than complicatedly rolling a Django websockets server in Python, this library simply connects to a Nodejs server as a client, and exposes certain Python services like the Django ORM over this websocket. There are a lot of rich resources for developing single-page applications across the gulf in the Javascript ecosystem, and I sought (and developed) a simple way to develop Nodejs/Angular/ applications using the same Django framework modules I've come to love: GeoDjango ORM, tastypie RESTful API resources, South migrations, etc. ### Sample stack - *Django* WSGI service listens for requests on port `8000` - *Nodejs* listens on both ports `80` and `3044` for connections - *Nodejs* listens on port 80 to proxy requests matching `/` to `` - **New** *Django* client connects to `` and listens for ORM requests from the *Nodejs* application (server *or client* !) ### Danger zone By connecting Django to, it becomes possible to do crazy not-yet-secure things in client-side javascript like so: <script type="text/javascript"> socket.emit('django_orm', { callback: 'django_orm_response', app: 'my_application', model: 'my_model', method: 'get', kwargs: { 'id': 1 } }); socket.on('django_orm_response', function(payload){ jQuery('#username').val(payload.username); }); </script> ### Next steps I have the MVP working where I manually configure this stack and daemonize the various processes. Ultimately, I want to package the entire Nodejs proxy, websockets, `npm`, and other dependencies into a Python package that can be installed into any virtualenv (using [virtual-node]( Then, overload the `python runserver` command to possibly start this complete stack with the front-matter proxy listening on `80` or `8000` as expected, with Then, with only `pip install nodjango` and adding the app your Django project's settings you can start writing client-side javascript that interacts with the Django ORM.
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