2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #111 Gittip: Inspiring Generosity (Chad Whitacre) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #165 Funding and Coordinating Python Projects via Non-Profits (Bradley M. Kuhn) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #044 So you want to write an interpreter? (Alex Gaynor) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | #138 PyPy without the GIL (Armin Rigo) |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #507 sys._current_frames(): Take real-time x-rays of your software for fun and performance (Leonardo Rochael) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #266 The SQLAlchemy Session - In Depth (Mike Bayer) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | #275 Elasticsearch (Part 1): Indexing and Querying (Erik Rose) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #091 Whoosh, the open-source Python search library (Matt Chaput) |
2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #416 Messaging at Scale at Instagram (Rick Branson) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #529 This Old Video Site: How PBS streams video - and you can too! (Edgar Roman) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #047 Making DISQUS Realtime. (Adam Hitchcock) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | #064 You can be a speaker at PyCon! (Anna Ravenscroft) |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #159 Loop like a native: while, for, iterators, generators (Ned Batchelder) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #213 Python Profiling (Amjith Ramanujam) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #066 Awesome Big Data Algorithms (Titus Brown) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #401 SimpleCV - Computer Vision using Python (Katherine Scott) |
2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #135 How to Except When You're Excepting (Esther Nam) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #104 Rethinking Errors: Learning from Scala and Go (Bruce Eckel) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #028 API Design for Library Authors (Chris McDonough) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | #098 Twisted Logic: Endpoints and Why You Shouldn't Be Scared of Twisted (Ashwini Oruganti) |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #353 Visualizing Github, Part I: Data to Information (Dana Bauer) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #349 Visualizing Github, Part II: Information to Meaning (Idan Gazit) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | #320 EduPsych Theory for Python Hackers: A Whirlwind Overview (Mel Chua) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #340 Planning and Tending the Garden: The Future of Early Childhood Python Education (Kurt Grandis) |
2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #132 Composability Through Multiple Inheritance (Łukasz Langa) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #298 The End Of Object Inheritance & The Beginning Of A New Modularity (Augie Fackler) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #217 Better Documentation Through Automation: Creating Sphinx Extensions (Doug Hellmann) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #134 Encapsulation with descriptors (Luciano Ramalho) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #535 Music Theory and Performance Analysis with Sebastian and Czerny (James Tauber) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #547 Deploy your Python app in 5 min with a PaaS (Nate Aune) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #157 Make More Responsive Web Applications with SocketIO and GEvent (Luke Sneeringer) |
2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #564 How the Internet works (Jessica McKellar) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #557 Scrapy: it GETs the web (Asheesh Laroia) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #355 The Magic of Metaprogramming (Jeff Rush) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | #502 Measuring and modeling the complexity of children's books (Jeff Elmore) |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #584 Fighting Cancer with Python (Erik Evensen) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #155 Blame it on Caesar: What you need to know about dates, times and time zones (Lennart Regebro) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | #526 If You Code, You Should Write (Brian K. Jones) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #402 Write the Docs (James Bennett) |
2013-03-15 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #533 The Naming of Ducks: Where Dynamic Types Meet Smart Conventions (Brandon Rhodes) |
2013-03-15 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #623 Windows 8 Apps and Python (Making Money in the Windows App Store) (Steve Dower) |
2013-03-15 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #271 Kivy: Building GUI and Mobile apps with Python (Thomas Hansen) |
2013-03-15 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | #176 Python 3.3: Trust Me, It's Better than 2.7 (Brett Cannon) |
2013-03-15 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #240 Using futures for async GUI programming in Python 3.3 (Dino Viehland) |
2013-03-15 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #113 The Guts of Unicode in Python (Benjamin Peterson) |
2013-03-15 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #488 Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python (Raymond Hettinger) |
2013-03-15 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #184 Functional Programming with Python (Mike Müller) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #128 Boundaries (Gary Bernhardt) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #606 Scaling community diversity outreach (Asheesh Laroia) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #100 What teachers really need from us (Selena Deckelmann) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | #076 How (Not) To Build An OSS Community (Daniel Lindsley) |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #556 Who are we? A sociological analysis of the indigenous Python tribe (Jacqueline Kazil) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #229 Community Event Planning (Christie Koehler) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | #367 Sink or swim: 5 life jackets to throw to New Coders (Lynn Root) |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #251 Lessons Learned in Teaching Python (Alexandra Strong) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #177 Python for Robotics and Hardware Control (Jonathan Foote) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #249 Who’s there? - Home Automation with Arduino/RaspberryPi (Rupa Dachere) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #363 Building an image processing pipeline with Python (Franck Chastagnol) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | #117 Designers + Developers: Collaborating on your Python project (Julia Elman) |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #356 Logical Failures (Luke Sneeringer) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #351 Let Them Configure! (Łukasz Langa) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #126 All-Singing All-Dancing Python Bytecode (Larry Hastings) |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #587 MTO On Blast: Using Python's Natural Language Toolkit to Model Gossip Blogs (Robert Elwell) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #553 Python's Law (Stephen McJohn) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #486 Copyright and You (Frank Siler) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #254 Why you should use Python 3 for text processing (David Mertz) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | #291 Teaching with the IPython Notebook (Matt Davis) |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #145 Building full-stack scientific applications in Python (Luke Lee) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #335 Numba: A Dynamic Python compiler for Science (Travis Oliphant) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #540 Integrating Jython with Java (Jim Baker) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #205 Getting started with automated testing (Carl Meyer) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #259 Things to make writing tests easier (Chris Withers) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #405 Mobile Application Testing with Python and Selenium (Jason Carr) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | #034 Solid Python Application Deployments For Everybody (Hynek Schlawack) |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #215 Chef: Automating web application infrastructure (Kate Heddleston) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #095 Making Apache suck less for hosting Python web applications. (Graham Dumpleton) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #080 Crypto 101 (Laurens Van Houtven) |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #331 What is the Python Software Foundation? (Brian Curtin) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #583 5 powerful pyramid features (Carlos de la Guardia) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #315 Pyramid Auth Is Hard, Let's Ride Bikes (Chris McDonough) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:55:00) | #061 Dispatch Magic (Ben Bangert) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:55:00 - 14:25:00) | |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #130 Customizing the Django Admin: The How and the Why (Lakshman Prasad) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 16:00:00) | #342 Beyond Passwords: Secure Authentication with Mozilla Persona (Dan Callahan) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:30:00 - 17:00:00) | #312 Porting Django apps to Python 3 (Jacob Kaplan-Moss) |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #517 Asset Management in Python (Robert Kluin) |
2013-03-16 talk (10:50:00 - 11:20:00) | #608 So Easy You Can Even Do It in JavaScript: Event-Driven Architecture for Regular Programmers (Glyph) |
2013-03-16 talk (11:30:00 - 12:00:00) | #339 Cython vs SWIG, Fight! (Mark Kohler) |
2013-03-16 talk (12:10:00 - 12:40:00) | #232 Death by a thousand leaks: what statically-analysing 370 Python extensions looks like (David Malcolm) |
2013-03-16 talk (13:40:00 - 14:25:00) | #364 Panel: Directions for Packaging (Nick Coghlan) |
2013-03-16 talk (14:35:00 - 15:05:00) | #227 Location, Location, Location (Julia Grace) |
2013-03-16 talk (15:15:00 - 15:45:00) | #580 Realtime Tracking and Mapping of Geographic Objects using Python (Ragi Burhum) |
2013-03-16 talk (16:15:00 - 17:00:00) | #508 Python's Class Development Toolkit (Raymond Hettinger) |
2013-03-16 talk (17:10:00 - 17:40:00) | #218 Dynamic Code Patterns: Extending Your Applications with Plugins (Doug Hellmann) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | #018 Plover: Thought to Text at 240 WPM (Mirabai Knight) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #038 Using Python to Code by Voice (Tavis Rudd) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #206 Internationalization and Localization Done Right (Ruchi Varshney) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #413 Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres (Craig Kerstiens) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #114 A Crash Course in MongoDB (Andy Dirnberger) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | #199 How Import Works (Brett Cannon) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #202 Worry-Free Parsers with Parsley (Allen Short) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #198 Server Log Analysis with Pandas (Taavi Burns) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | #144 Distributed Coordination with Python (Ben Bangert) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #149 Become a logging expert in 30 minutes (Gavin M. Roy) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #430 Purely Python Imaging with Pymaging (Jonas Obrist) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | #103 Iteration & Generators: the Python Way (Luciano Ramalho) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #133 "Good enough" is good enough! (Alex Martelli) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #022 Namespaces in Python (Eric Snow) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:10:00 - 13:40:00) | #532 ApplePy: An Apple ][ emulator in Python (James Tauber) |
2013-03-17 talk (13:50:00 - 14:20:00) | #602 PyNES: Python programming for Nintendo 8 bits. (Guto Maia) |
2013-03-17 talk (14:30:00 - 15:00:00) | #090 Use curses, don't swear (Sean Zicari) |