Sponsor Logistical Information
If you have any questions on your sponsorship package or on the info provided below, please email the event coordinator, Ewa (ewa@python.org). Follow @pycon on Twitter for deadline reminders.
- Quick Overview of the PyCon 2015 Conference
- Quick Vendor Reference
- GES Sponsor Kit/Manual
- Order forms for the Palais des Congres
- Sponsor Registration and Housing
- PyCon Internet
- Swag Bag Information
- Exhibition Floor Information
- Job Fair Information
- PyLadies Auction
- 12'x2' Conference Banner Information
- Printed Program Specifications
Quick Overview of the PyCon 2015 Conference
Wednesday April 8 |
Thursday April 9 |
Friday April 10 |
Saturday April 11 |
Sunday April 12 |
Monday - Thursday April 13 - 16 |
Tutorials Sponsor Workshops |
Tutorials Sponsor Workshops Opening Reception |
Exhibit Hall PyCon Dinners |
Conference Exhibit Hall 5k Charity Fun Run PyLadies Auction |
Job Fair Poster Sessions |
Sprints |
Quick Vendor Guide
- Booth Customization – GES https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/perfectbooth
- Booth Labor - GES https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/labour
- Banner Printing – GES https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/bannerp
- Shipping Info – https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/fact
- Shipping Customs for those shipping from the US or International - https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/us
- Lead Retrieval Ordering - CTE https://www.cteusa.com/ctescan/scan.php3?show=PYCON8
- Monitors, TVs, Computers, Audio: Frischkorn AV https://www.dropbox.com/s/75rt2n4mo80ny7v/AVOrderForm.pdf?dl=0
After February 1st, the following services can be ordered online:
- Power – Palais des congres (Montreal Convention Center) https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/pcmorder
- Internet – PSAV within Palais des congres (Montreal Convention Center) https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/pcmorder
- Food & Drink Catering - Palais des congres (Montreal Convention Center) https://ordering.ges.com/CA-00015D54/pcmorder
GES Sponsor Manual/Kit can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gaixdrdmvji563z/PyCon2015ExhManual.pdf?dl=0
Sponsor Registration and Housing
Registration promo codes have been issued to sponsor contacts November 6th. For those that have not yet booked hotel rooms or did not receive their promo codes, please contact our housing bureau for assistance: pycon8-reg@cteusa.com, +1-847-759-4277.
PyCon Internet
We as a conference provide wifi in all of the conference space including the expo. You are welcome to use this wifi at no additional cost, but it is shared with all of the attendees. If you wish to order your own dedicated internet, please see the Palais des Congres order forms (linked above).
Swag Bag Inserts
Bag inserts should be sent with the specific label of SWAG BAG INSERTS (the purple shipping labels in this sponsor manual). Please send 2500 inserts. When picking your swag bag item, please keep in mind that most people will have to pack the item into their suitcase/backpack for traveling.
Exhibition Floor
The Exhibit Hall will be located in Exhibit Hall 210 in the Palais des Congres. The Exhibit Hall will be located near Registration and in close proximity to all the sessions.
New in 2015: The breakfasts and lunches will also be amongst the booths setup in the Exhibit Hall. Please prepare to have your booths staffed from 8:00am until 5pm. It is mandatory that your booth is staffed for the "active times" (see below).
Move-in for the Exhibit Hall begins on Thursday, April 9th at 10:00am until 6:00pm. There is an opening reception on the Exhibit Floor at 6:00pm on Thursday.
Exhibition Floor Times
- Expo with booths: Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
- Active time is from 6:00pm until 9:00pm
- Expo with booths: Friday, April 10, 2015 - 8:00am to 5:00pm
Active times are:- 8:00am until 9:30am
- 10:10am until 11:00am
- 12:30pm until 2:00pm
- 3:30pm until 4:30pm
- Expo with booths: Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 8:00am to 5:00pm
Active times are:- 8:00am until 9:30am
- 10:20am until 11:00am
- 12:30pm until 2:00pm
- 3:30pm until 4:30pm
Move-out for the Exhibit hall booths begins at 5:00pm Saturday, April 11th. Everything needs to be cleared out by 7pm. At this point, we transform the Expo Hall into the Job Fair (details for the job fair below). If necessary, we will ship back banners to those sponsors who supply us with a shipping account to use. Further details will be included in the Sponsor Manual, which will be sent out later this year.
NOTE: You have an option to opt-out of the Booth Space in the Exhibit Hall. However, if you do not opt-out before the start of the conference and leave your booth empty, a fee will be applied to your sponsorship. This can be arranged with our Event Coordinator, Ewa Jodlowska (ewa@python.org).
Job Fair
NOTE: Participating sponsors will have a six foot table and chairs set aside for them; we do not use booths during the Job Fair. You are welcome to have a standing banner or customized table cloth. Give aways/flyers are also welcome. Power will not be provided.
The Job Fair will take place on Sunday, April 12, 2015 in Expo Hall 210 at the Palais des Congres. The event is from 10:00am until 1:00pm. AM Break and Lunch will be served during the event.
Setup for the Job Fair begins at 7:00am on April 12 in Expo Hall 210. If you have anything shipped for your Job Fair table that is clearly marked, the boxes will be placed underneath your job fair table.
PyCon Auction
If your organization will be donating items for the PyCon Auction, the items should be received by the staff no later than Friday, April 10, 2015 since the event will take place on Saturday, April 11. The items can be brought to the staff office at the Palais des Congres (room 513EF).
The BANNER is for hanging in the plenary session room. The rigging costs are covered by PyCon, you just have to supply the banner with grommets on the long side. This is not the banners you hang in your exhibition booth.
Printed Program — Logo, Description, Ad
The deadline for submitting the printed program items is February 2, 2015.
By submitting these materials, you let us fully recognize your support of PyCon in the printed program guide to which attendees are constantly referring during the conference, and that many attendees take home and reference long after the conference is complete.
Print Logo — due February 2, 2015
We need a high-resolution logo to use for printing, preferably as in .EPS file.
NOTE: Note that this is different then your web company logo, which is typically a lower fidelity raster image for display on our web site.
Print Company Description — due February 2, 2015
Note that this can be different from your "Company Description" which is used on the web site. The word limit for your print description varies depending on your level of sponsorship:
- Keystone: 250 word description in PyCon program guide
- Diamond: 200 word description in PyCon program guide
- Platinum: 150 word description in PyCon program guide
- Gold: 100 word description in PyCon program guide
- Silver: 50 word description in PyCon program guide
Print Ad - due February 2, 2015
If you will be submitting a print ad for the PyCon conference program, your graphic designer can find our guidelines here:
Upload your ad to your us.pycon.org account no later than February 2, 2015 or email it to ewa@python.org.
- Keystone: 2 page full page color ad in PyCon program guide
- Diamond: 2 page full page color ad in PyCon program guide
- Platinum: Full page color ad in PyCon program guide
- Gold: 1/3 page horizontal color ad in PyCon program guide
- Silver: 1/6 page vertical color ad in PyCon program guide