PyCon 2016 in Portland, Or
hills next to breadcrumb illustration

Volunteering on-site

Call for On-Site Volunteers

Got a couple of hours to give? PyCon is organized and run by volunteers from the Python community. This year we're looking for over 300 on-site volunteer hours to help make sure everything runs smoothly.

Everyone who is attending PyCon is welcome to volunteer, but you must be registered to volunteer. All help is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Pro Tip: Sign-up to be a Session Chair or Session Runner – it's a great opportunity to meet the speakers!

Session Staff

Volunteer: Please read and understand the duties before you sign up to be a session chair/runner. Follow the links below for complete descriptions.

  • Session Chairs and Session Runners are present for an entire session (usually 2 to 3 talks in a row).
  • A Session Chair introduces the speaker, manages the time, and facilitates the question and answer period. "Please be seated. Our next speaker is..."
  • A Session Runner helps the speaker get from the Speakers Lounge to the appropriate stage. They help in any way needed to make the session run smoothly.
  • Only sign up for one role per session.

Green Room Staff

Volunteer: Sign up to help for a talk block: green room sign-up

  • Green room staff do whatever it takes to ensure that that session staff and speakers are equipped to keep the conference running on time. They’ll watch the clock, stand in for no-shows, move post-it notes around whiteboards, and high-five speakers.

Registration Desk

Volunteer: Sign-up for an hour slot at the registration desk: registration desk sign-up

  • Someone needs to say "Welcome! What is your name?", print a name tag, hand them their stuff.
  • Please consider signing up for an hour on the registration desk. It's a great way to meet people and answer basic questions. If this is your first PyCon, it's a good way to get into volunteering!

Swag Bag Handout

Volunteer: Sign-up for an hour slot at the swag/t-shirt desk: swag handout sign-up

  • Help distributing swag bags & t-shirts; especially during that busy first morning of the conference.

Tutorial Support

Volunteer: Sign-up for an hour slot helping with a tutorial: tutorial support / hosts sign-up

  • We're looking for one "Tutorial Host" for each tutorial to help welcome participants as they arrive: be sure they're in the right tutorial, give them any printed handouts, ask them if they need help setting up their laptop, etc.
  • This need is for approximately 20 minutes before tutorials start until about 20 minutes after they start (about 40 minutes). See guidelines for tutorial hosts.

Young Coder Support

Volunteer: Signup for Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. We need people to setup the Young Coder rooms (raspberrypi installation) on the night before each class, and to tear down those rooms on Sunday. Sign up here.

Miscellaneous Help

Volunteer: Sign-up for miscellaneous tasks: odd jobs sign-up

  • We need 7 Volunteers during each day of the main conference to Host Lunch.
  • We may also need last minute help with other miscellaneous setup and teardown.

Swag Bag Stuffing Setup

Volunteer: Sunday, May 29, from 11am-3pm. Sign-up for an hour slot helping setup for swag stuffing: swag stuffing setup sign-up.

This is a physical role. We will be moving boxes and unboxing swag getting ready for the great stuffing at 3:00!

Stuff Swag Bags

Volunteer: Just show up! Sunday May 29, 3pm - 6pm (or until we're done)

  • Come stuff 10 bags! Many hands make light work!
  • Help in quick sprints with lots of other people. For the big event, look for us at the end of tutorials on Thursday. Our goal is 5 bags/minute (can you guess how many things go in each bag? - close to 1/4 million items to bag!). Are you agile - in a crowd? We'll need about 100 volunteers for this sprint.
