PyCon 2016 in Portland, Or
hills next to breadcrumb illustration

Sunday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Data Carpentry: An Introduction to Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

Tracy Teal

Audience level:
Best Practices & Patterns


In most domains of research & industry, the increasing capacity to generate data means people need effective computational skills to turn this data into knowledge. We will teach participants how to get started with data analysis & visualization in Python. Skills taught are focused on novices & will enable participants to begin working with their own data & provide the basis for continued learning.


In most domains of research & industry there is an increasing capacity to generate data. However, data is not knowledge, and people need the computational skills & perspective to effectively work with this data. This tutorial is for anyone with a dataset between them & a question they want to answer. No prior knowledge or programming experience is required. We will teach participants how to get started with data analysis & visualization in Python. This tutorial is a module of a Data Carpentry workshop, and we will focus on analyzing one dataset and go from reading in the data to preliminary analysis to plotting. We will use Pandas for working with data and Matplotlib for plotting. Skills taught will enable participants to begin working with their own data & provide the basis for continued learning.

Student Handout

No handouts have been provided yet for this tutorial