PyCon 2016 in Portland, Or
hills next to breadcrumb illustration

Tuesday 11:30 a.m.–noon

Publish your code so others can use it in 5 easy steps

Marko Samastur

Audience level:
Best Practices & Patterns


As developers we all love well-documented, well-tested packages. If we do the same for our code it is easier for others to re-use our hard work, and maybe even contribute. We will take a quick look on how to do this using popular tools and only a small investment of time. With Github and some simple tools, setting up a well-groomed package doesn't have to be difficult.


Every Python open-source developer wants their software to be used. As developers, we trust software that is tested and well-documented.

In this talk we'll go through 5 steps for how to do this for your own packages.

We will take a quick look on how to do this using popular tools and small investment of time:

  • Write a script for a pure Python package
  • Set up py.test, tox and coverage to test our package with multiple versions of Python
  • Configure Github to use Travis CI & to automatically test our package every time we commit
  • Register and publish our package to PyPI
  • Setup our documentation on ReadTheDocs