Monday 2:35 p.m.–3:05 p.m.
Postgres present and future
Craig Kerstiens
- Audience level:
- Intermediate
- Category:
- Databases
Postgres 9.5 was just released a few months ago and has a number of of new improvements we'll walk through including new JSONB functions, some analytical tooling, and of course upsert. Then we'll dive into what's coming in Postgres 9.6, the next Postgres release. Finally, we'll round it out with some look at the ecosystem of extensions.
Postgres 9.5 was just released a few months ago (as of the time of the talk). It has a number of new improvements including new JSONB functions, some analytical tooling, and of course upsert. We'll take a tour through each of these new features, how you use them with Python, Django, or just natively in SQL.
Then we'll dive into what's coming in Postgres 9.6 as it will be nearly feature freeze timeframe you can start to know what's coming in the next 6 month timeframe.
Finally we'll take a tour of some extensions. Extensions provide a great way to extend Postgres and the community around them has slowly built up over time. This includes Hyperloglog, hypothetical indexes, Citus, and possibly more.