Saturday 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
OpenStack: Cloud Native Deployment for Application Developers
David F. Flanders
Did you miss the first wave of job opportunities to be an OpenStack operator? Fear not, the second wave commeth! Learn the latest in Application Development atop OpenStack. Both DevOpps and AppDev are invited to this hands-on training. This training will provide an overview of the most popular Python SDKs and their use with OpenStack (and other clouds: why be locked in?).
By the end of the workshop you will have learned: a.) The basic components of an open collaborative cloud infrastructure b.) Simple architectures for building an application to scale across several cloud compute nodes c.) Cloud data storage techniques and how to auto-orchestrate your data and compute d.) About future upcoming application development paradigms: containers, 12 factor and mobile/IoT and much more.
The future is open, might as well get started.