PyCon 2016 in Portland, Or
hills next to breadcrumb illustration


This is the full schedule of tutorials for PyCon 2016. See also:

Each PyCon tutorial is 3 hours of instruction plus a 20 minute break in the middle.

Register Now! To sign up for these tutorials, proceed to the registration page and add them to your new or existing registration!

Tutorial Only Registration: After adding in your demographic information on the registration site, please select the "TUTORIAL ONLY" registration category. (does not come with access to the whole conference).

RegistrationPre Conference RateOn Site Rate
Tutorial Rate$150 USD each $200 USD each

May 28, 2016

  B110-111 B112 B113 B114 B115 B116 B117 C120+121 C123+124
09:00AM Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10 Web App Vulnerabilities Mike Pirnat, David Stanek Intermediate
Documenting your project with Sphinx & Read the Docs Eric Holscher Novice
Machine Learning with Text in scikit-learn Kevin Markham Intermediate
Python Bootcamp Harry Percival Novice
Practical Network Analysis Made Simple Eric J. Ma Intermediate
Pythonic Objects: implementing productive APIs with the Python Data Model Luciano Ramalho Intermediate
Get Started with Git David Baumgold Novice
Flask at Scale Miguel Grinberg Intermediate
PyData 101: Essential data science skills for every programmer, from data to model to visualization Andy Terrel, Christine Doig Novice
12:20PM Lunch
01:20PM Creating, building, testing, and documenting a Python project - a hands-on HOWTO Titus Brown, Luiz Irber Novice
Build Your First Web App with Hello Web App! Tracy Osborn Novice
A Tour of Large-Scale Data Analysis Tools in Python Sarah Guido, Sean O'Connor Intermediate
Ansible 101 Luke Sneeringer Intermediate
Python for Social Scientists: Cleaning and Prepping Data Renee Chu Novice
Hands-on Intermediate Python - Part 1 Matt Harrison Novice
Regular Expressions Trey Hunner Novice
The Hitchhiker's Guide to TLS & SSL lvh, Cory Benfield, Glyph, Hynek Schlawack, Paul Kehrer Intermediate
Diving into Machine Learning through TensorFlow Julia Ferraioli, Amy Unruh, Eli Bixby Intermediate

May 29, 2016

  B110-111 B112 B113 B114 B115 B116 B117 C120+121 C123+124
09:00AM Introduction to Unit Testing in Python with Pytest Michael Tom-Wing, Christie Wilson Novice
Faster Python Programs - Measure, don't Guess Mike Müller Intermediate
Bayesian statistics made simple Allen Downey Intermediate
Data Carpentry: An Introduction to Python for Data Analysis and Visualization Tracy Teal Novice
Django 101 Kenneth Love Novice
Introduction to Docker and containers Jérôme Petazzoni Novice
Python by Immersion Stuart Williams Novice
Natural Language Processing with NLTK and Gensim Tony Ojeda, Benjamin Bengfort, Laura Lorenz Intermediate
Efficient Python for High-Performance Parallel Computing Mike McKerns Intermediate
12:20PM Lunch
01:20PM The Fellowship of the Data Sev Leonard Intermediate
Computational Geometry in Python Tyler Reddy Intermediate
Outside-In TDD Harry Percival Intermediate
PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People Christophe Pettus Intermediate
Computational Statistics Allen Downey Intermediate
Python Epiphanies Stuart Williams Intermediate
Making an Impact with Python Natural Language Processing Tools Hobson Lane, Dan Fellin, Jeremy Robin Intermediate
Deploying and scaling applications with Docker, Swarm, and a tiny bit of Python magic Jérôme Petazzoni Intermediate
Descriptors and Metaclasses - Understanding and Using Python's More Advanced Features Mike Müller Experienced
06:00PM Opening Reception

Register Now! To sign up for these tutorials, proceed to the registration page and add them to your existing registration!

Tutorial Only Registration: After adding in your demographic information, please select the "TUTORIAL ONLY" registration category.