Benjamin Bengfort
Benjamin Bengfort is a Data Scientist who lives inside the DC Beltway but ignores politics favoring technology instead. He is currently finishing his PhD at the University of Maryland where he studies machine learning and artificial intelligence. A professional Python programmer by craft, a Data Scientist by vocation, Benjamin's writing pursues a diverse range of subjects from Natural Language Processing, to Data Science with Python, to analytics with Hadoop and Spark. He is also a partner at District Data Labs, where he is currently focusing on the development of open-source tools for the analysis of streaming, unbounded data sets.
Experimentation Using Genetic Algorithms Made Easy with Pygame, Celery, and Numpy
Web Apps that Learn: An Architecture for Machine Learning in Django
Natural Language Processing with NLTK and Gensim
Sunday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m. in C120+121