Financial Aid
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The Financial Aid deadline, February 12, 2019, is now past and registration has closed.
## Philosophy/Outreach
Financial assistance is provided so those who might otherwise not be able to attend can. This includes major diversity and outreach programs through [PyLadies]( and [Python User Groups]( to attract new speakers, students, and attendees.
PyCon has a large financial aid program funded by the PSF and PyLadies. Financial aid recipients receive support for some or all of their expenses including travel, hotel, registration, and childcare. We actively encourage people to apply for financial aid and welcome applications from students. While we wish we could give grants to everyone who applies, our funds are limited.
Our goal is to get the most people to PyCon by optimizing the funds we have.
- Because PyCon is the largest Python conference in the world, it's a meeting place for Python developers from around the world. Therefore, the financial aid award process is designed to enhance PyCon, including speakers, tutorial presenters, and notable open source contributors.
- Additionally, the process is one of the ways that the PSF supports a more diverse PyCon. We're happy to say that the financial aid program has been a important factor in results so far.
- Finally, the process tries to supports people with relatively lower incomes so that people from various locations, Python experience, and background can join the Python community.
In short, we use the financial aid budget to help individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference.
The financial aid program is about the community nurturing itself by making itself more accessible at PyCon. It is true to the spirit of PyCon by helping to make the information and interactions available to everyone.
The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a [diverse]( and international community of Python programmers. We believe that the financial aid program is aligned with these goals.
We are happy to say that most years, we end up exceeding our official Financial Aid budget. If it looks like it will reasonably make for a better conference, we will gladly overspend on financial aid and take less “profit” for the conference.
- October 16, 2018: Financial aid application opens
- February 12, 2019: Financial aid application close on [23:59:59 on Feb 12th AoE](
- February 24, 2019: Financial aid grants awarded
- March 3, 2019: Deadline to respond to accept / decline financial aid
- April 15-May 4, 2019: Upload receipts to through financial aid dashboard
- May 3-4 2019: Disbursement sessions at PyCon
Disbursement of funds will be onsite during the conference in USD. You can choose between receiving PayPal, a physical check in USD on-site, or a wire transfer for international payments.
No funds will be disbursed prior to the event. Only those that attend the conference, confirm identity in person, and have submitted receipts will be reimbursed.
Financial Aid FAQ
<span class="label label-note">Questions?</span> Check out our <a href="">FAQ page</a> and our blog post about <a href="">International Travel</a>. Please don't hesitate to email: []( "")
**To submit a financial aid application**, <a href="/2019/account/signup/">sign up</a> or <a href="/2019/account/login/">log in</a> to your account, and proceed to the application:
<div align="center">
PyCon 2019 Financial Aid is open! <br>
Please submit applications with the button below by February 12, 2019.
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Submit a financial aid application <span class="icon icon-circle-arrow-right"></span></a> </div>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Submit a financial aid application <span class="icon icon-circle-arrow-right"></span></a>