PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio
<center> <h1>Tutorial Registration is now Open!</h1><br> <a href="/2019/registration/register/" class="btn">Register Now!</a><br> <p>See the schedule in list form <a href="/2019/schedule/tutorials/list">here</a></p> </center>

Wednesday May 1, 2019

  Room 9 Room 10 Room 15 Room 16 Room 19 Room 20 Room 21 Room 22
09:00AM Lambda Calculus from the Ground Up David Beazley Beginning Python for Human People with Feelings Melanie Crutchfield Writing Command Line Applications that Click Dave Forgac Network Analysis Made Simple Mridul Seth, Eric Ma Pandas is for Everyone Daniel Chen Getting started with Kubernetes and container orchestration Jérôme Petazzoni, AJ Bowen Building data pipelines in Python: Airflow vs scripts soup Tania Allard Pythonic Objects: idiomatic OOP in Python Luciano Ramalho
12:20PM Lunch Break
01:20PM Analyzing Census Data with Pandas Sergio Sánchez Build Your Own 2D Platformer Game Paul Vincent Craven Writing about Python (Even When You Hate Writing) Thursday Bram Dealing with Datetimes Paul Ganssle Lazy Looping in Python: Making and Using Generators and Iterators Trey Hunner Scikit-learn, wrapping your head around machine learning Chalmer Lowe Design Patterns in Python for the Untrained Eye Ariel Ortiz Bayesian Data Science by Simulation Eric Ma, Hugo Bowne-Anderson

Thursday May 2, 2019

  Room 9 Room 10 Room 15 Room 16 Room 19 Room 20 Room 21 Room 22
09:00AM To trust or to test?: Automated testing of scientific projects with pytest Dorota Jarecka, Anna Jaruga Python by Immersion Stuart Williams Introduction to Data Science with Python Grishma Jena Practical API Security Adam Englander Hello World of Machine Learning Using Scikit Learn Deepak K Gupta IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python Matthias Bussonnier, Denis Akhiyarov First Steps in Web Development With Python Miguel Grinberg Building Evolutionary API with GraphQL and Python Dave Anderson
12:20PM Lunch Break
01:20PM Escape from auto-manual testing with Hypothesis! Zac Hatfield-Dodds What To Expect When You’re Expecting: A Hands-On Guide to Regression Testing Emily Morehouse Open the Black Box: an Introduction to Model Interpretability in Python Kevin Lemagnen Hands-on Intro to aiohttp Mariatta, Andrew Svetlov Data Science Best Practices with pandas Kevin Markham Faster Python Programs - Measure, don't Guess Mike Müller Hands-On Web Application Security with Django Jacinda Shelly Applied Deep Learning for NLP Using PyTorch Elvis Saravia
05:30PM Opening Reception (Expo Hall)